Unit 6: Enquiries

Unit 6: Enquiries

Where can you practise the ways we ask questions in emails? Here, of course!


Consider these things when writing questions.

Subject questions

These questions are about the subject of a sentence:

  • Who takes you to school?
  • Where is your favourite place?
  • What annoys you the most?
  • When is convenient?

Do not add the auxiliary verb 'do' ('do', 'does', 'did'): Who takes you ...? not Who does take you ...?

Yes/no questions

These questions usually only need a short answer like 'yes'/'yes, of course' or 'no'/ 'no, I'm sorry'.

  • Are you ready?
  • Is that convenient?
  • Do you remember me?
  • Can you send me the report, please?

Use the auxiliary verb before the subject: Do you remember ...? not You do remember ...?

Object questions

These questions are about the object of a sentence:

  • Where do you want to meet?
  • Who did you invite to the meeting?
  • Why couldn't you go?
  • How much is this going to cost?

Remember to use an auxiliary verb ('do', 'did', 'have', 'can', etc.): Where do you want to meet? not Where you want to meet?

'Let me know'

When you ask about something in an email, you can use this phrase. It shows that you want to get an answer.

  • Are you coming to the party on Saturday? Could you let me know? Thanks…
  • I would like to attend the training next Tuesday. Please can you let me know the start time?

Task 1

Task 2

Choose the correct preposition for the gaps in the email below.

From: Raj (raj.kumar@stancliffschool.org.uk)
To: Victor Obinna (Victor1997@yesmail.ng)
Subject: RE: pictures from my school

Hello Victor,

Thanks for sending me the pictures of your school and your friends. My school in England is very different! I want to ask you about your school. Here are my questions.

  1. I play cricket in the school team. What sports are you good (1) in / with / at?
  2. I hate maths but I love English. What subjects are you interested (2) in / to / on?
  3. In IT, we're learning how to make a website. At your school, what are you learning (3) about / on / at?
  4. My brother and I walk to school together every day. Who do you go to school (4) to / from / with?
  5. My flat is by a road with lots of cars. What is your home (5) next to / out of / away from?

Can you let me know?

Bye for now! Raj


Task 3

Task 4

Average: 3.6 (19 votes)

Submitted by EvgeniyKulikov on Tue, 08/12/2020 - 11:38

The task is good, but he was not attentive and made a mistake

Submitted by margarita.draganchuk on Mon, 07/12/2020 - 17:49

Good assignment, but there were some difficulties

Submitted by Pavel_Kharchenko on Thu, 03/12/2020 - 12:10

Good tasks for use in communication and quite simple.

Submitted by vika_belan on Fri, 27/11/2020 - 13:23

I didn't like this type of task, although I successfully completed it

Submitted by Nikita Maslov on Fri, 27/11/2020 - 13:23

It was not difficult, so it's not interesting

Submitted by sunitabnsl on Sun, 11/10/2020 - 11:56

I want to write an email to my boss to complain about my colleague. To whom I should keep in cc.

Submitted by Allate on Tue, 04/08/2020 - 21:53

The final objective of learning a language is to communicate with speakers of the languge using this language. In communication, questions are very important. When asked correctly it's easy to make oneself understood. I had liked revising questions with this lesson. Thanks.

Submitted by Papis on Tue, 04/08/2020 - 17:58

Hello, Great it helps for accuracy I do appreciate.

Submitted by Dilnoza Sulaymonova on Fri, 12/06/2020 - 13:30

thank for information
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