Episode 04

Daniel's interview doesn't go too well. What mistakes does he make?

Do the preparation task first. Then watch the video and do the exercises. You can also read the transcript.



Daniel: Hi there!

Marcia: Good morning, Daniel!

Daniel: Oh, Dan, please.

Marcia: I'm Marcia Boardman – we spoke on the phone – and this is Philip Hart, our CEO.

Philip: Hello!

Daniel: Nice to meet you both.

Philip: So, it says here on your CV that you’re interested in rock climbing.

Daniel: Yeah, I love it!

Philip: Great, so do I! When did you last go climbing?

Daniel: Er, well, it was a while ago, now.

Philip: Anywhere interesting?

Daniel: Yeah, I walked up the hill behind my house. Took me about 30 minutes!

Philip: Oh.

Marcia: OK, erm, Daniel, can you tell us a little bit about your current position?

Daniel: Certainly. As it says in the CV, I'm part of the European sales team at Networld. We're the world's leading supplier of IT hardware.

Philip: Why do you want to move on?

Daniel: Well, they're too small for me!

Marcia: Networld are too small for you?

Daniel: Yeah, I'm looking for something much bigger.

Philip: Well, we're not a big company by any means, but we are looking to grow! Er, what first attracted you to WebWare in particular?

Daniel: Well, I see WebWare as kind of like a stepping stone ...

Marcia: Sorry?

Daniel: Yeah, start here, gain the necessary experience, then move on to something bigger.

Philip: OK ... well, I do admire your ambition!

Daniel: Thanks. I've got lots of it!

Marcia: Let's move on to managing people. Can you give an example of a time when you had to deal with a particularly difficult managee?

Daniel: Sure, well, I think that's one of my strong points, actually. Er, a couple of years ago, I was working with a guy, he wasn't pulling his weight, basically being lazy – so I told him to get out.

Marcia: Oh, you didn't give him a performance review or a warning or perhaps try to develop his motivation?

Daniel: No, no, no, no. None of that rubbish. If someone's not working hard enough, then they're out! That's the way I work. I'm a hard man.

Marcia: I see.

Philip: Erm, how would you handle a rapidly changing market?

Daniel: Basically not change anything at all! Just continue on as normal, regardless.

Marcia: Erm, according to your CV you are fluent in Mandarin ...

Daniel: Well, I wouldn't say 'fluent', exactly, but I like Chinese food a lot so I can read the menu.

Philip: So you can't actually speak the language?

Daniel: Er, no.

Marcia: Can you tell us about a time you had to close a particularly challenging deal?

Daniel: I haven't had one. They're all easy for me. I close deals all the time.

Marcia: OK, well, do you have any questions for us?

Daniel: No.

Philip: Oh. OK. Erm, thanks.

Marcia: Let's move on to the presentation ...

Task 1

Task 2


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Submitted by Luis Tomas on Tue, 04/12/2018 - 00:14

Thank you. Very useful.

Submitted by fludzinm on Sun, 02/12/2018 - 19:07

This text contains tips for people who are going to a job interview. After their application, the recruiter will positively assess the person applying for a job.
Profile picture for user Leo Liu

Submitted by Leo Liu on Tue, 06/11/2018 - 06:48

Dear Moderator, Thanks for your patiently answer. At the beginning of this episode, Daniel used "Dan, please." to greetings. So can we use it in our daily lives? Like this, "Leo, please" to greet with friends. And when Philip asked Daniel "Anywhere interesting?" Does it mean if there is an interesting place, you will go or which place was interesting you most in your past experiences? So can we use "Anything interesting" to replace it? Thanks. Best regards, Leo

Hi Leo,

When Daniel says 'Dan, please', he is telling Marcia to please call him 'Dan' instead of 'Daniel'. It's not a greeting.

Philip is asking if the last place than Daniel climbed was anywhere interesting, in other words, if it was a place that is well-known or far away (for example, a mountain like Ben Nevis in Scotland, a mountain that is not easy to climb). 'Anything interesting' doesn't communicate exactly the same idea and wouldn't work as well here.

All the best,
The LearnEnglish Team

Profile picture for user miracheraa

Submitted by miracheraa on Sun, 26/08/2018 - 23:25

Very useful informations we got here. especially what to avoid doing during a job interview.

Submitted by pedimitris on Mon, 18/06/2018 - 18:41

Mistakes to be avoided during interview...

Submitted by Naiara Hermogenes on Tue, 12/06/2018 - 23:02

The video shows everything you should avoid on a job interview.

Submitted by julio arnaud on Fri, 18/05/2018 - 16:39

What an unusual interview! It's impossible to trust a candidate like him.

Submitted by Tomoaki Hachiya on Sat, 10/02/2018 - 07:41

Daniel, no, no there's no such man as he in this world! He's a supreme example of a bad interviewee. Exaggerating his abilities, pay no respect for the company he's applied a job for, I felt that the staff of this series made up too much! However, it was fun to see anyway... Thanks a lot.

Submitted by Vinicius Librandi on Thu, 01/02/2018 - 23:51

I am from Brazil and started to study English some years ago.. Since I started to study I always had a big difficult with my listening skills for example when I talk in English with a Brazilian I understand everything that the person is talking to me but when I need to talk with a foreign (English, American or German) I have a big difficult to understand... I work in a multinational company and everytime that I need to participate of a international meeting I stay in panic... Please what suggest could you give to me to improve my listening skills faster? I always watch movies and series with Portuguese subtitles but it looks that is not helping me.. Thank you so much by the support!