Episode 02

Marcia and Philip discuss the applications they've received and the interview format.

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Philip: So, how many applications did we get, Marcia?

Marcia: Well, overall we've got over 200!

Philip: That many?

Marcia: Yes, but most of which we can discard right away ... people who don't have the right experience, qualifications, that kind of thing.

Philip: Of course.

Marcia: ... and then we get the people who submit ten-page-long CVs, or CVs in comic book font, or green ink, or ... they attach a photo of themselves disco dancing, you know the kind of thing? So, I've whittled down the serious candidates to a shortlist of 12 people.

Philip: And we'll interview all of them?

Marcia: I think we should but, obviously, I'll let you have a look first.

Philip: Great. So, who have we got then?

Marcia: Well, I think we've got some pretty strong candidates. Two in particular.

Philip: They have the right kind of profile?

Marcia: I'd certainly say so. Strong educational background, experience in multinational sales, language skills ...

Philip: Good. I look forward to meeting them.

Marcia: So, I'd say we do the standard interview format.

Philip: Sure.

Marcia: A few general questions, then on to specifics.

Philip: Yes, exactly. I want to hear specific details of when they've solved problems.

Marcia: Yes, and then something about 'vision', as you put it.

Philip: Yes ... what do you think about a brief presentation?

Marcia: I think that's a good idea. We could ask them to give a short presentation on where they see the company going and how they see themselves taking us there.

Philip: Great! You know something? I'm really looking forward to this!

Task 1

Task 2


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Profile picture for user Kirk Moore

Submitted by Kirk Moore on Thu, 07/03/2019 - 09:24

In reply to by carolina.ybarra


Hello Carolina

I'm sorry about that. It's working for me now -- is it still broken for you? If so, I'd recommend trying a different web browser or device to see if that helps. Please let us know if you still can't see the video.

All the best


The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by Vuqar on Wed, 20/02/2019 - 12:51

Hi, Thank's for videos. But they are talking very fast.
Profile picture for user Rafa777

Submitted by Rafa777 on Tue, 25/12/2018 - 19:30

Excume, I can´t watch the video, Could you help said me what can I do please?

Hi Rafa777,

Are you still not able to watch the video? I've just checked it and it was working for me, so I think it may have been a temporary error. If you still can't see the video, please let us know what browser version you are using and we'll look into it. I would also suggest trying to view it in a different browser or on a different device.

In any case, I'm sorry for the inconvenience!

All the best,
The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by Luis Tomas on Sun, 02/12/2018 - 21:36

Thank you for the lesson!
Profile picture for user Leo Liu

Submitted by Leo Liu on Sun, 28/10/2018 - 03:05

Great course. But still too short. Is there other series. I'm looking forward to studying more.
Thanks a lot. I mean I'm preparing my job interview now. So do you have more courses about the career. Because it's more useful.

Submitted by Nada Magdy on Sun, 19/08/2018 - 16:11

I'd like to download it , how can i ?

Hello Nada Magdy,

I'm afraid the videos on LearnEnglish are not available for download for technical and legal reasons. On our audio-only pages you can find links to download the audio as an mp3 file.



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