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I have never broken my legs or arms, but sometimes I have hurt those. I played tennis or run in the garden.
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When I was young, I played football a lot. Thanks god, my arms and legs have not been hurt until now.
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All naughty kids have at least once this experience; the other hands some children are honored by these little devils. I belong to the second group. The painful story begins when my 7 years cousin pushed me downstairs and he looked my rolling from up to down when I reached the last step; he sneered and ensured I have arrived at the destination and he has done well then he ran away. :)
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Hi shirin20,
(ノ)゚Д。(ヽ)Oh!NO! Sorry to hear that...but...
ahaha...give a toast to your cousin! I can imagine his triumphant grin! (★‿★)
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Beautiful head with ginger hair. Back looks like the wall. Gargle throat is very helpful. Without arms you still can play on guitar. Five fingers on each arm. Via nose we are can feel smell and we breathing. My foots is ill and i must visit a doctor. Ears are help me listen music. I very love trampoline, love jump against gravitation. I put only good food in my mouth. I have hands for piano. Work with a computer very tire for eyes.
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People often say to me, "Break your leg!", but I've never broken my leg...!
Σ(|||▽||| )
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When I was eleven years old I broke my foot during the PE lesson.
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