

Vegans argue that animal farming is not only cruel but also bad for the environment. World Vegan Day, on 1 November, puts the focus on the vegan way of life.

Do the preparation task first. Then read the article and do the exercises.


‘All life deserves respect, dignity and compassion. All life.’ – Anthony Douglas Williams

What is veganism and what do vegans do?

Vegans try to live, as much as possible, in a way that avoids exploiting and being cruel to animals. This means following a plant-based diet. Vegans do not eat animals or animal-based products like meat, fish, seafood, eggs, honey and dairy products such as cheese. For many vegans, living a committed vegan lifestyle means not wearing clothes made from animal skins and avoiding any products which have been tested on animals.

How are vegans different from vegetarians?

Vegetarians don’t eat meat or fish but they can eat eggs, honey and dairy products, but vegans don’t eat any animal-based food products. Vegans argue that suffering is caused in the production of these foods, for example they say that, on some dairy farms, male calves are killed because they are too expensive to keep, and on some farms, cows are killed when they get older and produce less milk. Similarly, on some egg farms, male chicks are killed because they do not produce eggs. As for honey, vegans say that bees make honey for bees, not for humans, and that bees’ health can suffer when humans take the honey from them. Vegans believe that the products they use and consume should be free from not just cruelty but any exploitation of animals.

When did veganism start?

The Vegan Society was founded in 1944, but there is evidence of people deciding not to consume animal products over 2,000 years ago. The sixth-century BC Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras was in favour of kindness to all species, and his diet could be described as vegetarian. There was a tradition of vegetarianism in the Indus Valley, Babylonian and ancient Egyptian civilisations even earlier. The Vegan Society points out that in 1806, the famous romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley was one of the first people to publicly object to eating eggs and dairy products on moral grounds.

Why do many people decide to become vegan?

For many people, the main reason for going vegan is probably that they believe that animals and all other sentient beings should have the right to life and freedom. However, there are other reasons. Vegans argue that the production of meat and other animal products is very bad for the environment. They point out that a huge quantity of water is needed to grow grain to feed animals in the meat industry. The enormous amount of grain which the meat industry needs often leads to forests being cut down and habitats being lost. In contrast, much lower quantities of grain and water are needed to sustain a vegan diet. In addition, many vegans say that all the nutrients our bodies need are contained in a carefully planned vegan diet and that this type of diet helps prevent some diseases.

What is World Vegan Day?

On 1 November every year, vegans all over the world celebrate their way of life. There are workshops, exhibitions and public debates on World Vegan Day, and it is a wonderful opportunity for anybody thinking of becoming a vegan to learn more about the subject.


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Submitted by Ejmanzanor on Wed, 19/02/2020 - 03:03

Hello for all. For me that’s a very complicated decition. Really I don´t interested to becoming a vegan. I like seafood, fish, chiken and especially the meat. Usually I eat eggs and some diary products. That kind of food are scencial in my diet. It has been a matter of family culture. But I love de vegetables and eat it every day.

Submitted by parisaach on Wed, 13/11/2019 - 08:23

It is somehow complicated to choose to be a vegan or not, It could be good in some points and it maybe be harmful in other point of view. I believe the earth will be a better place, if everybody try to be a vegan. If people stop killing animals, cutting trees the environment will be a better place to live. For me If I was the only person in the world,I would never kill an animal to eat it's meat, but today people usually don't think what they eat they just want to eat a delicious food. On the other hand being vegan maybe cause you be weaker because there are less Protein and other necessary nutrient that our body needs in your food. So it is a complicated decision. It is up to you if you are a self-concentrated human or you are ready to sacrifice your life for the future generation.

Submitted by JOANNAYEON on Tue, 05/11/2019 - 04:03

For me, i used to try to be a vegetarian before, when i only ate vegetables, after one month i found that my skin was become more smoothly, that was really great for a girl. And i found that my weight is lessen as well, i became much slimmer, that was a wonderful result that i expected for a long time. But because of my exercise routine(Running and HIIT Training), i think it is essential for me to eat some chicken/beef for my protein supplement, so i quit to be a vegetarian from that moment haha.

Submitted by ignacio perez on Fri, 26/04/2019 - 08:16

I am interested in enviromental issues. I am a supporter of caring our common house, the planet. But in my opinion, vegarism is a bit excessive. It is against using things that comes from animals wich we need and use rightfully.
Profile picture for user iso

Submitted by iso on Sun, 17/03/2019 - 14:18

I won't becoming a vegan.I thing Vegan is not fit modern society and meal industry. It is impossible to avoid all of meal product. Some soup made by meal .Human is not vegetarian. In BC Human hunt a lot of animal to eat .Human life related hunting.but on other hand production of meal is exploiting and cruel .In fact I don't see meal production factory . some point in this article I agree especially don't ware cloths that from animal. some famous artist and actor ,actress ware cloths that made by animals. It is lavish but It is unnecessary for our life.

Submitted by gullıstan on Wed, 20/02/2019 - 17:27

I never thought of being vegan. I respect vegan, but it's not my life philosophy. nature and human beings are in need of one and should benefit from each other.
Profile picture for user Shan

Submitted by Shan on Tue, 08/01/2019 - 15:49

I dont want to be a vegan because these people avoid those necessary foods which are healthy and energetic such as milk and honey etc..and sometime these foods are a type of cure for the people who use high dose medicine,honey is very helpful on getting rid of chest i wil say i am not a vegan but a vegetarian.