Episode 01 - They meet

Julia and Sammy meet in a cycling accident! Then they want the same taxi. Will they get on?


Julia: Hey! You! Watch out!
Sammy: I'm sorry.
Julia: This is a bike path.
Sammy: I'm sorry!
Julia: It's for bikes.
Sammy: I'm sorry.
Julia: It isn't for people.
Sammy: Erm ... sorry?
Julia: People run over there in the park.
Sammy: Oh! Right!
Julia: People don't run here.
Sammy: Erm ... sorry.
Julia: Dangerous.
Sammy: I'm very sorry.

Julia and Sammy: Taxi!
Julia: This is my taxi.
Sammy: No, this is my taxi.
Julia: Look, I ... Oh, it's you!
Sammy: Oh, it's you!
Taxi driver: Where are you going?
Julia and Sammy: To 15 Lancaster Road.
Taxi driver: Lancaster Road. OK, get in.
Julia: Well ...
Sammy: Ladies first!
Julia: Oh, erm ... thanks.

Sammy: Are you going to Tom's party?
Julia: Yes, I am. Are you going, too?
Sammy: Yes, I am. Tom's my friend.
Julia: Tom's my friend, too!
Sammy: I'm Sammy.
Julia: Hi, Sammy. My name's Julia.
Sammy: Hi, Julia. Pleased to meet you.

Task 1: Check your understanding 1


Task 2: Check your understanding 2


Task 3: am, is, are 1


Task 4: am, is, are 2


Task 5: 'm not, isn't, aren't 1


Task 6: 'm not, isn't, aren't 2


Task 7: Making sentences



Average: 4.1 (48 votes)

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The Learn English Team

Submitted by Heba Hemdan on Tue, 29/01/2019 - 11:12

it is very well sentences to improve English
Profile picture for user eudes cruz

Submitted by eudes cruz on Sun, 27/01/2019 - 01:21

Yes , I have. On the street on the app
Profile picture for user BEC

Submitted by BEC on Thu, 17/01/2019 - 01:35

Hi my name is Enrique and I'm an electronic engineer ..now I´m working as a teacher.
Profile picture for user kamil fattahi

Submitted by kamil fattahi on Sat, 12/01/2019 - 17:35

Hi guys. whats up? I'm a new member in this website. Its a please is I'm with you

Submitted by Nguyen Trieu Phu on Wed, 09/01/2019 - 07:36

it help me a lot, i think i can improve my english
Profile picture for user LidiaQuicano

Submitted by LidiaQuicano on Mon, 07/01/2019 - 14:26

I understood it very well. !congratulations!! it was cool.