Level: beginner
Many verbs in English are followed by the infinitive with to. Some of these verbs take the pattern:
- Verb + to + infinitive
We planned to take a holiday.
She decided to stay at home.
Others verbs take the pattern:
- Verb + noun + to + infinitive
She wanted the children to learn the piano.
I told him to ring the police.
Two very common verbs – make and let – are followed by the infinitive without to. They take the pattern:
- Verb + noun + infinitive
My parents made me come home early.
They wouldn't let me stay out late.
The verb dare can be followed by the infinitive with or without to:
- Verb (+ to) + infinitive
I didn't dare (to) go out after dark.
verb + to + infinitive
Some verbs are followed by the infinitive with to:
I decided to go home as soon as possible.
We all wanted to have more English classes.
Common verbs with this pattern are:
- verbs of thinking and feeling:
choose decide expect forget |
hate hope intend learn |
like love mean plan |
prefer remember want would like/love |
- verbs of saying:
agree | promise | refuse | threaten |
- others
arrange attempt |
fail help |
manage tend |
try |
- Verb + to + infinitive 1
- Verb + to + infinitive 2
verb + noun + to + infinitive
Some verbs are followed by a noun and the infinitive with to:
She asked him to send her a text message.
He wanted all his friends to come to his party.
Common verbs with this pattern are:
- verbs of saying:
advise ask encourage |
invite order |
persuade remind |
tell warn* |
* Note that warn is normally used with not:
The police warned everyone not to drive too fast.
- verbs of wanting and liking:
hate intend |
like love |
mean prefer |
want would like/love |
- others:
allow enable |
expect force |
get |
teach |
Many of the verbs above are sometimes followed by a passive infinitive (to be + past participle):
I expected to be met when I arrived at the station.
They wanted to be told if anything happened.
I don't like driving myself. I prefer to be driven.
- Verb + noun + to + infinitive 1
- Verb + noun + to + infinitive 2
Level: intermediate
make and let
The verbs make and let are followed by a noun and the infinitive without to:
They made him pay for the things he had broken.
The doctor made me wait for almost an hour.
They let you go in free at the weekend.
Will you let me come in?
But the passive form of make is followed by the infinitive with to:
He was made to pay for the things he had broken.
I was made to wait for almost an hour.
let has no passive form. We use allow instead:
We were allowed to go in free at the weekend.
I was allowed to go in.
The verb dare is hardly ever found in positive sentences. It is almost always used in negative sentences and questions.
When it is used with an auxiliary or a modal verb, dare can be followed by the infinitive with or without to:
I didn't dare (to) disturb him.
Who would dare (to) accuse him?
But when there is no auxiliary or modal, dare is followed by the infinitive without to:
Nobody dared disturb him.
I daren't ask him.
- make, let and dare
Hello jumairs,
Verb patterns are sometimes not the result of deep grammatical rules, but rather simply the arbitrary outcome of linguistic use over time. In other words, if enough people use language in a certain way for long enough then the pattern becomes fixed. The use of prepositions is a good example. There is no reason why we say 'get on a bus' but 'get in a car'; it is simply the result of linguistic evolution through use.
I think your examples are quite similar and the answer to your questions is generally that there is no reason for the pattern other than it simply having evolved that way. That said, I don't see any problem with any of these sentences:
I don't think that this sentence sounds natural, however:
Both I bought her a cake and I purchased her a cake are perfectly fine. These are examples of double object verbs and you can read more about these here:
Suggest is a tricky case. You are right that I suggested her a solution is not correct, while I suggested to her a solution is fine (though I suggested a solution to her is the more common word order). Here, I'm afraid, we simply come back to the arbitrary nature of such patterns. They must be memorised rather than being worked out from an overarching rule.
Suggest is an unusual case, thought not unique – propose works in the same way. Offer can be used with either pattern:
The LearnEnglish Team
Hi Ahmed Imam,
Oops! It seems we missed this question until now.
The correct sentence is the -ing verb form. Actually, both forms are grammatically correct, but they have different meanings.
Does that make sense? You can find more examples on this page about verbs followed by -ing or to + infinitive.
Best wishes,
The LearnEnglish Team
Hello Hosseinpour,
It's hard to be sure without knowing the full context, but I think the sentence you are looking for is probably as follows:
The LearnEnglish Team
Hello Ahmed Imam,
When we say leave somebody to do something there can be two meanings:
When passive voice is used, as in your example, only the first meaning is possible.
When we say leave somebody doing something it means that we went away while they continue with the action:
Your sentence could have this meaning.
However, remember that language draws meaning from the context in which it is used, as well as from its own structures and forms. These sentences would like have more meaning in context, such as telling us something about whether or not John's dreams were real or some kind of delusion, for example.
The LearnEnglish Team
Hello Goktug123
Yes, I'd say them mean the same thing.
All the best
The LearnEnglish Team
Hello Ahmed Imam
Yes, that is correct. In this case, 'try' followed by the -ing form means to put the aerial over there so we can see if it works better.
If you said 'try to put', it would be grammatically correct, but would have a different meaning: see if you can put the aerial over there (perhaps it's in a difficult place to reach or a place where the aerial might fall).
You can see more examples in the Cambridge Dictionary -- the first entry (attempt) refers to 'try to do' and the second entry (test) refers to 'try doing'.
All the best
The LearnEnglish Team
Hello Alex_R
Some people use a 'to' before the infinitive here, and some people do not. In the US, for example, people tend not to use 'to' there.
In any case, both are accepted as correct. If you'd like to see some more examples of how 'help' is used, there are several in the Cambridge Dictionary.
All the best
The LearnEnglish Team
Hello Ahmed Imam,
Both choices are possible grammatically, but there is a difference in meaning.
try to do - this means attempt to succeed
try doing - this means see if you like it
In this context, try to open is the correct choice, I would say.
You can read more on the topic on this page:
The LearnEnglish Team
Hi medmomo,
'won't you' is a question tag. You can read more about what these mean and how we use them on our Question tags page. I think that should help you understand it, but if you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
All the best,
The LearnEnglish Team
Hello Karth1,
The sentence is correct but I can see why it might look unusual. The speaker has used ellipsis, which means omitting certain words for reasons of style or other rhetorical preference. The 'full' sentence would be as follows:
The LearnEnglish Team
Hello Karth1,
The verb form is not correct there. Time words such as after are followed by present forms when we want a future meaning, so you can use a present simple or a present perfect form here:
You can read more about the verb forms used in time clauses on this page.
The LearnEnglish Team
Hello Vahid82,
It's great that you are trying to make sense of this, but 'use' is a verb that is used in many ways and isn't always used with an infinitive. In the sentence you ask about, the infinitive form is an infinitive of purpose, which is explained on our 'to'-infinitives page.
Does that make sense?
All the best,
The LearnEnglish Team
Hello Shaban Nafea,
The verb 'try' can be intransitive (having no object) or transitive (requiring an object. In this use (meaning 'attempt' and followed by an infinitive) it is intransitive and therefore there is no passive form.
When 'try' is used with the meaning 'sample' or 'test' it is a transitive verb and so has a passive form:
The LearnEnglish Team
Hello Shaban Nafea,
It is possible to follow 'try' with a passive form but not to make 'try' itself passive. For example, imagine a situation in which a person wants to be sacked from their job and is doing everything to make their boss angry. We could say the following:
It's a very unusual form. As far as 'bite' goes, you could need to think of a situation in which a person wants to be bitten but finds it difficult to achieve. Then you might say:
Again, however, this is a very strange sentence. You need to imagine a highly unlikely context and the whole thing is rather artificial. You can see these sentences with other verbs from time to time:
The LearnEnglish Team
Hello shivamgetz,
I'm afraid I don't agree with that rule. While 'ought' and 'used' can both be followed by a present infinitive ('to + v1'), they are also used in other, different ways. The sentence you cite is an example -- in it, 'ought' is followed by a perfect infinitive ('to have insisted') and this is correct. 'used' is not followed by a perfect infinitive.
I'd suggest you read up on 'ought to' and 'used to' by following the links.
All the best,
The LearnEnglish Team