Episode 01 - They meet

Julia and Sammy meet in a cycling accident! Then they want the same taxi. Will they get on?


Julia: Hey! You! Watch out!
Sammy: I'm sorry.
Julia: This is a bike path.
Sammy: I'm sorry!
Julia: It's for bikes.
Sammy: I'm sorry.
Julia: It isn't for people.
Sammy: Erm ... sorry?
Julia: People run over there in the park.
Sammy: Oh! Right!
Julia: People don't run here.
Sammy: Erm ... sorry.
Julia: Dangerous.
Sammy: I'm very sorry.

Julia and Sammy: Taxi!
Julia: This is my taxi.
Sammy: No, this is my taxi.
Julia: Look, I ... Oh, it's you!
Sammy: Oh, it's you!
Taxi driver: Where are you going?
Julia and Sammy: To 15 Lancaster Road.
Taxi driver: Lancaster Road. OK, get in.
Julia: Well ...
Sammy: Ladies first!
Julia: Oh, erm ... thanks.

Sammy: Are you going to Tom's party?
Julia: Yes, I am. Are you going, too?
Sammy: Yes, I am. Tom's my friend.
Julia: Tom's my friend, too!
Sammy: I'm Sammy.
Julia: Hi, Sammy. My name's Julia.
Sammy: Hi, Julia. Pleased to meet you.

Task 1: Check your understanding 1


Task 2: Check your understanding 2


Task 3: am, is, are 1


Task 4: am, is, are 2


Task 5: 'm not, isn't, aren't 1


Task 6: 'm not, isn't, aren't 2


Task 7: Making sentences



Average: 4.1 (48 votes)

Submitted by thepanh on Mon, 04/03/2019 - 09:22

Hello everyone! I'm Panh, from Vietnam. I really so excited to meet someone unexpectedly. i have met many people accidentally and still been good friends until now. Feel so happy!!

Submitted by Rida85 on Sun, 03/03/2019 - 15:08

Hello every body, I'm Rida from Indonesia. I'm really happy to be here.
Hi hi hi! Well, when I met you at the station You were standing with a bootleg in your hand I took you back to my little place For a taste of a multicolored band |●´∀`)ノ)) HELLO♪
Profile picture for user Juan Jose Batista German

Submitted by Juan Jose Bati… on Fri, 01/03/2019 - 04:36

i can`t play the video

Hello Juan Jose

I'm sorry to hear that. I've checked the video and it is working for me. Perhaps there was a temporary error, or, if you still can't see it, I would suggest trying to watch it using a different web browser or a different device. Please let us know if that doesn't work for you.

All the best


The LearnEnglish Team

Hello annakrelli

Did you see my response to Juan Jose? I would suggest the same thing to you. If you still can't get it to work with those ideas, please let us know what browser version you are using.

All the best


The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by Gus2019 on Fri, 01/03/2019 - 00:56

Hi everybody. I've never known to someone as the unusual situtaton in the video. However, I think is a great opportunity to know someone and posible to get a friendship. I like to make new Friends but definily It's doesn't happen to me, somenthing similar as the video. It's so funny. Haha
Profile picture for user Fercho72

Submitted by Fercho72 on Tue, 26/02/2019 - 04:14

Hi everybody until now I'm not ever known someone an a unusual way however I would like to meet someone this way sounds good

Submitted by thaihungphi on Sun, 24/02/2019 - 04:00

Hello everyone, I'm here to learn and improve my English skills. And I come from Vietnam. Wish you had a great time in this website.