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I live in Tehran which is a crowded city. Like other cities, it has lots of traffic lights, street lights, and also signposts. But, there is less roundabouts and more crossroads in Tehran comparing other cities that I have seen. In addition, drivers have a bad attitude that they usually neglect crossings which make people annoy when they need cross a street or junction.
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Near my house, I can see crossings, corners, roundabouts, bus stops, street lights, roads, ... I'm living in a suburb of Brussels.
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I am a French-speaking guy. In this lesson, there is a fearfull false friend: in French, a square is a kind of a little park with some bench and some trees. When I was a child, I played ball there because it was strictly forbidden playing football.
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1. My friend and I offen meet in the town square.
2. In the city, street lights offen are located on street corners
3. In some citis, riding a bicycle on the pavement is prohibited
4. I got lost because there was signpost at the crossroads
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I see traffic lights, crossing and pavement
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İn uk, roundabout is usually shown by signs written on the pavement without using wall on the contrary to my country. Traffic lights is standard in All ower the World although signposts could vary.
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I see trees and roofs.
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