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Annika: I'm nine years old. I think it's the greatest year to be alive.
Director: So, Sierra, can you tell me what you want to be when you grow up?
Sierra: I want to be an author. Because it's a chance I get to use my imagination.
Annika: I want to be a marine biologist when I grow up. My two favourite animals is a turtle and a jellyfish.
Brianna: I'd like to be a helicopter doctor because I've always wanted to be a doctor and I really love helicopters.
Director: So, can you name some authors for me?
Sierra: David Walliams, Roald Dahl and um ...
Annika: I look up to Charles Darwin and Jacques Cousteau.
Director: Do you think there's more men or women who do that job?
Brianna: I don't think it's a job that women would be interested in.
Director: Why?
Brianna: Because I think women would be more into being a nurse.
(We tell children that they can do anything …)
Annika: There's more boys than girls that do it. Maybe girls aren't just interested in more of that stuff.
(… but how can we expect them to believe …)
Sierra: Girls – they like fairies and mermaids and stuff like that, but they're not really real.
(… what they can’t see?)
Director: We've got someone coming to meet you now.
Helicopter doctor: Hi, I'm Claire.
Brianna: Hi, Claire.
Helicopter doctor: I'm one of the helicopter doctors. Nice to meet you.
Brianna: Nice to meet you, too.
Helicopter doctor: How are you going?
Brianna: Good. I'm really excited!
Biologist: My name is Sam. I work here at Sea Life Sydney Aquarium and I'm a marine biologist here.
Author: My name is Jacqueline Harvey. Do you know what I do for a job? What do I do?
Sierra: Write.
Author: I write books. Do you like reading? (Sierra nods.)
Helicopter doctor: Do you want to get in?
Brianna: Yes!
Helicopter doctor: Up you hop! Where you're sitting is exactly where I sit when we fly.
Brianna: Really?
Helicopter doctor: Yep! Exactly where I sit.
Biologist: I'm in charge of this team and I look after absolutely everything in here. So, we have two dugongs and we have a whole bunch of sharks and rays which are ...
Sierra: I wrote a book called The Old Woman Who Lived In A Tree.
Author: Oh! So why don't you read me the first page?
Sierra: Once upon a time, there was an old lady who lived in a tree. One day, the old lady went for a walk.
Helicopter doctor: So you can be an anaesthetic doctor, or you can be an intensive care doctor or an emergency doctor. There are so many different options.
Brianna: Cool!
Helicopter doctor: Yeah.
Sierra: There's not really a difference about 'boy' and 'girl' writing. So they can both become an author.
Annika: I was like 'Oh my gosh! I've only researched about the boy marine biologists. Now I've finally met a girl one!' Like ... just a dream!
Director: Is there anything a boy can do that a girl can't do?
Brianna: No. If you want to do something, you do it.
Helicopter doctor: Good look. Suits you.
Brianna: Thank you.
Annika: When I'm older, those little girls will have someone to look up to because that's going to be me.
© Sydney Opera House
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