A message to say you're late

A young woman texts on her phone

Learn how to write text messages to tell a friend you're going to be late.

Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.


Reading text



I'm running 10 mins late, sorry!


No problem!


Aargh! Traffic is really bad. I'll be more than 10 mins late now, sorry again!!


It's OK, don't worry. I'm in the café already so it's fine


This is not my day! I'm here but can't find a place to park. I'm looking for a different car park. Not sure how long I'll be


OK, LMK when you find a place


I might get something to eat tho


Of course! I'll be as quick as I can




Found one! Be there in 10 mins


Well done! See you soon


Thx for waiting



1. You don't need to write complete sentences for text messages.

2. Use abbreviations like LMK (= let me know) or use emojis to save time writing.

3. You don't need to use full stops (.) at the end of messages.

4. Say how many minutes you think you'll need, e.g. I'm running 10 minutes late.

5. It’s good to say sorry and sorry again, but you don't need to say sorry in every message.

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3


Worksheet96.32 KB

Language level

Average: 4.2 (78 votes)

Submitted by Xiuwen on Wed, 26/06/2019 - 10:57

I'm quite punctual. I am rarely late for the meetings or appointments. If there are something unexpected and lateness is inevitable, I'll let them know the reasons and make an apology.

Submitted by tooran on Tue, 25/06/2019 - 04:46

Dear British Council, At first I wanted to say thank you because of your really helpful website. On the other hand I need your guide about writing A1, actually when I drag and put one item in a box I can not place another item in the same box as like as Linhview. I look forward to hearing from you. Best wishes

Hello tooran

What you have to do is always move the words by clicking or pressing on the small white hands in the top right corner of the word boxes. Click or press on the hand to 'pick up' a word or box and then click or press on the small hand in any word or box that is already in a group to move it there.
It sounds difficult but is quite easy once you see how it works. Please let us know if you have any more trouble with this, and sorry for the inconvenience!
All the best
The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by Cho on Mon, 24/06/2019 - 11:56

Actually, I don't like late.That's why I try to be on time. Timekeeping is important to me.
Profile picture for user Julian Serjanaj

Submitted by Julian Serjanaj on Fri, 21/06/2019 - 23:10

I havent time.

Submitted by Rodomi on Thu, 20/06/2019 - 16:06

I'm trying always to come on time in all compromises. But sometimes the traffic is very hard or buses and subways are slower. When I have interviews or another compromise related to work I leave home as soon as possible. For me, one minute is late for professional meetings but 10 and 15 mins for personal compromises.
Profile picture for user NataliDa

Submitted by NataliDa on Tue, 18/06/2019 - 07:19

I'm always late. Late for me is 15 mins. It's normal. But usually I late more.

Submitted by Abdo sleem on Mon, 17/06/2019 - 04:53

usually i be on time for all my appointment but an emargancies not finsh so sometime may i came late

Submitted by Aung San Oo on Sat, 15/06/2019 - 17:46

I always go to my office early to avoid traffic.

Submitted by Edicita on Sat, 15/06/2019 - 04:32

Usually I'm late 10 mins but I'm trying to change that bad habit.