Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.
Shop assistant: Hello, can I help you?
Customer: I'm just looking, thanks.
Customer: Excuse me?
Shop assistant: Yes?
Customer: Where are the changing rooms?
Shop assistant: They're over there. Behind you.
Customer: Thank you.
Customer: Hi. Excuse me again. Do you have this jumper in black?
Shop assistant: Yes, just a moment. What size do you need?
Customer: Extra small, please.
Shop assistant: Here you are.
Customer: How much is this?
Shop assistant: It's £29.
Customer: Can I pay by credit card?
Shop assistant: Yes, you can. Of course.
Shop assistant: Would you like a bag for that?
Customer: Yes, please.
Hello mariem.n
If you are using a computer, you can right-click on the audio player and then choose 'Save Audio As' (or some other very similar option) and then the audio will download. It's a bit trickier on tablets on phones and depends on the operating system. I'd recommend doing it on a computer if possible.
All the best
The LearnEnglish Team