An application form

An application form

Learn how to fill in an application form.

Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.

Reading text

Library card application

First name MIKE
Date of birth 08/11/1991
Postcode GL1 3ZE
Phone 07796 345678

I declare the information provided is correct.

Signature Mike Esposa-Hernandez

Date 03/07/2018


Your checklist

Have you got everything you need?

[ ✔ ] a passport photo

[ ✔ ] a copy of my passport or other photo ID

[ ✔ ] proof of address

Your card will be issued within 15 days and sent to the address provided.


1. It's a good idea to write in capital letters so it’s easy to read, except for your email address and signature.

2. For dates, in the UK we usually write them DD/MM/YYYY (day-month-year). So, for 1 September 2018 you write 01/09/2018. In the United States it is MM/DD/YYYY so you write 09/01/2018.

3. If you don't understand every word on the form, don't panic. You can probably guess what information you need to write. Ask someone for help if you need to.

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3


Worksheet113.71 KB

Language level

Average: 4.4 (12 votes)

Submitted by shalliirda on Mon, 05/08/2019 - 16:18

the last form i filled in was a form to create an account on the internet. i did that about two or three days ago i forget.

Submitted by cittàutopica on Tue, 30/07/2019 - 19:57

The last form I filled in was a form for the renewal of my passport. It was an operation very easy, because it occurred on line largely.

Submitted by Lameed Mohamed on Fri, 26/07/2019 - 13:57

The last form that i was filled in is my national ID card a year ago . I went with my causion . We just brought our birth certifecate and it took about 2 hours .. Then it was ready after a week

Submitted by chriskutte on Mon, 08/07/2019 - 23:38

The last form I filled in was to sign in on British Counsil. I really enjoy this website and I think I have allready learnt a lot.

Submitted by tooran on Wed, 26/06/2019 - 05:43

The last form I filled in was personal form which I need to answer all questions by details about my self so that was really boring and it took me along time to provide all informations.

Submitted by Rodomi on Mon, 24/06/2019 - 15:29

I filled in a form to get a vacancy for my young daughter in a kindergarten. In my country, I can get a library card on the same day, so here you do not need to wait 15 days to receive your library card. But, you can not forget the proof of address or the photo ID, because without these you do not get make your library card and will need to go back another day.

Submitted by Cho on Mon, 24/06/2019 - 14:37

The last form that I filled in was learnig website.

Submitted by Setareh on Tue, 21/05/2019 - 04:06

I think the last form that I filled in was in a special website;

Submitted by lengoclam on Sat, 11/05/2019 - 14:45

The last form I filled in was a personal information form register for bank to open banking account.

Submitted by saydin on Sat, 04/05/2019 - 10:03

The last form that I have filled was the form for the hospital.