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Reading text
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Sending message is my last choice i prefer call
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If you ask me , I'd say it depends on the situation I'm in which means if it's so important to talk to them about something , therefore I would rather make a phone call , but personally I would prefer sending messages to making a phone call since it's cheaper and better in a way which it does not disturb them as well .
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it depends the thing we talk about and the situation we are. if I want to get the response immediately or something is important I'd like phoning my friends. on the contrary, if we are just having small talk or something not emergency I prefer sending messages to them.
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I prefer sending messages to my friends rather than call them . Actually i always prefer sending message when i try to contact a person , becuase messages are archived and i can back to them if forget something , for example , Beatriz can back to the conversation with Andrew if she forget the time .
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I prefer sending a message rather than a phone call.
because it makes both of us go straight to the main point and prevents wasting time.
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I prefer phoning my friends,because it is great to hear voices and I can express myself better by talking than writting a letter.
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I prefer sending messages. This is mainly because most of my friends are always busy. It's impolite to disturb them especially at work, unless its very important then I will phone.
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I prefer phoning them, because i can really express myself well and is also an opportunity for me to hear their voice expecially when they are very far away from me.
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I prefer sending messages to my friends rather than phoning them, because if I phone them I force them to give me attention that moment, instead they talked to me whenever they want
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I prefer phoning my friends - in most cases it takes less time!
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