Episode 12: Popping the question

Episode 12: Popping the question

Harry is going to ask a very important question and Carlos has a piece of good news to share. Is it going to be a happy ending?

Do the Preparation task first. Then listen to the audio. Next go to each Task and do the activity. If you need help, you can read the Transcript at any time.


Before you listen

We suggest you do the vocabulary activity below before you listen. Then listen to the episode and do the first tasks to check your understanding. Finally, practise some vocabulary and grammar.



Fadi: Are you ready then, mate?

Harry: Guess so. Ready as I’ll ever be.

Johnny: Got the ring and everything?

Harry: Yep.

Fadi: Blimey. You’re a brave boy!

Johnny: It’ll be your turn next, Fadi!

Fadi: I doubt it. Very much.

Johnny: Look, here she comes now!

Harry: Oh no! She’s with all the others!

Fadi: You’ll have to get her alone.

Olivia/Sarah/Bindyu/Magda: Hi, boys! Hello there!

Fadi/Harry/Johnny: Oh, erm, hello.

Olivia: What’s up? What’s going on?

Harry: Oh, erm, nothing ...

Olivia: Don’t believe you!

Johnny: Olivia! Pssst! Harry’s going to pop the question!

Olivia: Pop the what?

Johnny: The question! He’s going to ask Bindyu to marry him!

Olivia: I know what it means, stupid! I’m just surprised!

Fadi: Are you ready, Harry?

Harry: I can’t do it! I’m not going to ask her now! Not in the café! I’m going to wait for a quiet, romantic moment, when we’re alone together.

Fadi: Oh! Spoilsport! We wanted to watch.

Olivia: So, Bindyu – did you know this was happening?

Bindyu: What?

Olivia: Oh ... I’m sorry – I thought it was planned.

Bindyu: Thought what was planned? What are you talking about?

Olivia: Oh dear – I think I’ve put my foot in it.

Magda: Put your foot in what?

Olivia: Made a mistake, Magda.

Magda: Oh dear! Why?

Harry: Oh no. I’ll have to do it now!

Harry: Well, Bindyu, I’ve got something to ask you ...

Carlos: Hello, everyone! I’ve got some big news!

Johnny: Can’t it wait?

Carlos: Er ... erm ... well ... No! Finally, I’m opening my own restaurant!

Harry: Great!

Carlos: So, what am I interrupting?

Bindyu: I don’t know yet.

Harry: Oh ... er ... erm ... Bindyu? Will you marry me?

Bindyu: Ahhh! I wasn’t expecting that!

Harry: You weren’t? Oh! I thought you’d guessed!

Bindyu: No way.

Harry: Oh.

Olivia: So what’s the answer?

Fadi: Yeah – come on!

Bindyu: Oh ... I ... er ... I’m ... well ... not ... oh! Yes!

All: Hooray!

Harry: Phew! You had me worried there.

Carlos: So, Sarah ... Seeing as I’ve got my own restaurant now, I was wondering – shall we give it another go?

Sarah: Of course! I’ve missed being with you – and now, I’m so pleased you’ve got your own business.

Fadi: I’ve got my own business too – “FindLondon” is doing really well!

Olivia: And me – my shoe shop!

Fadi: Perhaps we should go out some time?

Olivia: I think you’ve asked me that before!

Task 1

Task 2

Look at this sentence from the audio.

I’m sorry – I thought it was planned.

We form the passive with the verb 'to be' in the right tense and the past participle.


Task 3


Language level

Average: 5 (5 votes)

Submitted by dhiyaa on Fri, 22/09/2023 - 21:34


beautiful end because Carlos opened his restaurant and harry married Bindyu
Finally fadi had good business
i love british council now i should be go to find new things to improve my listening

Submitted by arashjahanbakht on Thu, 07/07/2022 - 15:28


Sorry, but it seems Sarah is a gold digger.

Submitted by Amanimarz on Sun, 24/04/2022 - 07:46


Thank you so much. I enjoyed and learned a lot from this series.

Submitted by Bruno2020 on Wed, 01/07/2020 - 20:55

Thanks to everyone involved in those series!The series 3 was amazing to listen. Thank you very much.

Submitted by jmajo on Thu, 19/12/2019 - 15:13

Thanks for the episode, I've learnt new words today.

Submitted by parisaach on Sat, 17/08/2019 - 04:35

I wish in the end something happened between Olivia and Fadi. Fadi was really in love with Olivia.

Submitted by parisaach on Wed, 14/08/2019 - 06:08

Hello I'm really sorry that this is the last episode of big city small world I hope I see more podcasts like that.

Submitted by Jesse on Sat, 25/05/2019 - 03:45

Hi i was looking for other person question about " I wasn’t expecting that" but can not find out. Or too much pages to find. As cambrige dictionary: If it means think, suppose, guess. It can not be continuous term. But here i got confused. Please help me understand it . Thanks Pls help me with this.
Profile picture for user Peter M.

Submitted by Peter M. on Sat, 25/05/2019 - 08:50

In reply to by Jesse

Hi Jesse, As you say, the verb 'expect' means that we think something will happen: it describes the future we think likely. In this case, the negative is used to show surprise: 'I didn't expect that' means 'I'm surprised by that'. ~ Peter The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by Jayoon on Tue, 29/01/2019 - 07:33

Hi. Thank you for the great contents. Any plans for Series 4?