A conference programme

A conference programme

Read the programme for a management conference to practise and improve your reading skills.

Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises.


Reading text

Morning programme


Conference opening
Dr Jon Martinez


Management styles
with Helena Clark

Consider the different management styles and how you can adapt yours to suit your team.

Giving feedback
with Amelia Novak

Explore the different ways to give feedback to maximise development.

Managing change
with Akira Yoshida

Help your employees deal with change and to see the positives change can bring.

10.45–11.15 Coffee break

Using storytelling in leadership communication
with Antoine Martin

Sometimes, the best way to communicate with your team is by telling stories. Find out how to do this in this workshop.

Leading small businesses
with Cheng Wei

How is leading small businesses different and how can leaders of small businesses bring success to their team?

Leading in uncertain times
with Omar Abboud

Uncertainty can affect the success of your team. Learn to bring confidence to your team in a time of uncertainty.

Afternoon programme

12.30–2.00 Lunch

Managing international projects
with Alisa Petrov

Consider how to ensure successful intercultural communication in your international teams.


Developing creative thinking in your team
with Mariana Silva

How can you get your team to think more creatively? Explore the different ideas that can help your team see things in a new way.

Conflict management
with Tracy Edwards

Conflict can create problems in your team, but managing conflict well can bring about development. Learn how to manage conflict in this workshop.

3.15–4.15 Group discussions
4.15–5.00 Conference closing
Dr Grace Moloney



Worksheet116.45 KB

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Average: 4.5 (261 votes)

Hello TamilaK

The description of the talk is:

How is leading small businesses different and how can leaders of small businesses bring success to their team?

You're right in thinking that the description does not explicitly mention businesses of other sizes, but given the context, it's quite clear that the talk is about how small businesses are different from businesses of other sizes.

All the best


The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by Nebulasa36 on Mon, 30/09/2019 - 19:03

I would attend managing change session, because I like to constantly challenge my self In order to develop my self and gain confidence

Submitted by Hothyfa1416 on Tue, 24/09/2019 - 18:20

For me, I going to choose manging change because if you want to improve something you have to change it.

Submitted by Abdulmoati on Mon, 23/09/2019 - 20:07

I would attend Leading small businesses with Cheng Wei because i like business so much i wish one a day becomes business man.
Profile picture for user mehrazin

Submitted by mehrazin on Wed, 18/09/2019 - 18:52

I prefer to attend the management styles conference with helena clerk . When a manager is acquainted with different managenent styles, he could change the manners according to the situation.but i think the other conferences are useful .

Submitted by Catalina Pazmiño on Wed, 18/09/2019 - 13:20

Developing creative thinking in your team, it's a conference that certainly, I would attend, because when people look at themselve as a creative thinker, they surely feel motiveted and that feeling encourage your team to go to a new stage in any kind of challenge. and that could help your team to see thing in a new way.
Profile picture for user KhanhHuyenwicked

Submitted by KhanhHuyenwicked on Tue, 17/09/2019 - 12:39

i think i will join Conflic management with Tracy Edwards, because conflic in a team will bring us many options and ideas for a plan, so our team maybe have more ideas to consider. And finally we discuss together and find out the best idea that we see it most appropriate

Submitted by jane234 on Mon, 16/09/2019 - 21:03

Why is the third qeustion in Task 1 false?

Hello jane234

True is a better answer because of the description of the talk:

Help your employees deal with change and to see the positives change can bring.

The idea is that since it focuses on the 'positives', it's not going to be about problems (which implies 'negatives').

All the best


The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by cittàutopica on Wed, 04/09/2019 - 16:44

I would attend the conference "Leading in uncertain times", because I think we live in times very uncertain and unsure; therefore it's essential we learn to face as much as possible unexpected occurrences.