A voicemail message

A voicemail message

Listen to a voicemail message and answer the questions to practise your listening skills.

Do the preparation task first.

Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.



John: Hi, this is John. Thanks for calling. I'm not here at the moment, so please leave a message and I'll call you back.

Marina: Hi, John, this is Marina Silva calling from Old Time Toys. Your colleague Alex gave me your phone number. She said you can help me.

I need some information on your new products. Could you please call me when you are back in the office? My phone number is 0-2-0-8, 6-5-5-7-6-2-1.

Also, can you please email me your new brochure and information about your prices? My email address is Marina, that's M-A-R-I-N-A, dot Silva, S-I-L-V-A, at O-L-D-T-I-M-E hyphen toys dot com.

Thanks a lot. I look forward to hearing from you.

Task 1

Task 2


Worksheet70.36 KB

Language level

Average: 4.4 (338 votes)

Submitted by subedi sweety on Tue, 12/11/2019 - 09:55

Well ! till this date i haven't sent an voicemail. When i was a freshman i started using phone and make calls since then. How time has changed now its done in various ways such as making calls in messenger , whatsapp ,viver and many more. Lets hope it will become simplest in the days to come.
Profile picture for user ashrafsdmp

Submitted by ashrafsdmp on Tue, 12/11/2019 - 02:39

Yes, I have made a phone call in English many times but haven't sent voicemail yet. But now it's super easy to make calls via internet. Nowadays, we can call our friends and family through whatsapp, imo, messenger so on and so forth. Thank you!
Profile picture for user Tiffany_Fan

Submitted by Tiffany_Fan on Sun, 03/11/2019 - 10:12

Well, I never leave a voicemail both English and Vietnam. When I was a sophomore, I worked as a cashier at the traditional restaurant, the customer called me to order Vietnam food. And I tried talking with them in English. Although I don't speak English well, luckily they can understand me. I think leaving a voicemail is very expensive while we can send a message. In this way, the recipient can easily record information and read it again at any time. So, I never leave a voicemail.

Submitted by mayar_magdy on Wed, 30/10/2019 - 15:07

unfortunately, I have never had the chance before
Profile picture for user Hoàng Nhung

Submitted by Hoàng Nhung on Wed, 30/10/2019 - 02:43

I used to call my manager but I never left a voicemail message in English

Submitted by f.agadr on Fri, 25/10/2019 - 13:04

Never,but i'll do it in the future.

Submitted by aliyazdan on Mon, 07/10/2019 - 19:52

Hello evrybody I have never left voicemail messages in English already. but I wish to do that in future.

Submitted by Izzati Saufie on Thu, 03/10/2019 - 13:45

I have completed the lesson for "A Voicemail Message". The level I chose is Beginner A1.

Submitted by nurnadiahazlan on Thu, 03/10/2019 - 10:05

I have completed the lesson for "A Voicemail Message". The level I chose is Beginner A1.

Submitted by nurul ashikin on Thu, 03/10/2019 - 06:55

I have completed the lesson for "A Voicemail Message". The level I chose is Beginner A1.