Unit 1: Email addresses

Unit 1: Email addresses

E-mail addresses are essential in business – do you know how to say them correctly?

Email addresses

Every email address contains this sign: . Here are some email addresses:


As you can see, Bob uses his first name only in his email address: bob@yahoo.bh. Jeffery Amherst uses his first name and surname in his email address: jeffery.amherst@britishcouncil.org. The address reservations@beachhotelbern.com gives the name of the department (Reservations), but not the name of the person.

Saying email addresses

When you say an email address:

  • remember that @ is pronounced ‘at’ and . is pronounced 'dot'. reservations@beachhotelbern.com is ‘reservations at beach hotel bern dot com’
  • sometimes there is a . in the person's name. jeffery.amherst@britishcouncil.org is ‘jeffery dot amherst at british council dot org’
  • _ in an email address is called ‘underscore’. teaching_ job@english_academy.id is ‘teaching underscore job at English underscore academy dot I D’.

Note that it is not necessary to use capital J and A in Jeffery Amherst's email address. People sometimes write email addresses with capital initial letters (Jeffery.Amherst@britishcouncil.org). Sometimes it is all in capitals (JEFFERY.AMHERST@BRITISHCOUNCIL.ORG). However, most people write email addresses without capital letters (jeffery.amherst@britishcouncil.org).

Address books

Email addresses appear in alphabetical order (A–Z). When names start with the same letter, look at the second letter. Here, all the names begin with F, but the second letters are: e i r u. These are in alphabetical order.

Name Email address
Fellah fellah@bqbaccounting.com
Fida fhussein@arabianairways.org
Fred Aston fred99@astoncity.biz
Fudail H fudailh@aglant.net


Domain names

Email addresses often include the name of the country that the address is from. This is the final two letters of the address. Here are some examples:

.af Afghanistan
.id Indonesia
.ma Morocco
.se Sweden
.uy Uruguay

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Task 5

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Submitted by kanzy on Thu, 21/11/2019 - 14:29

hi everyone thank you, nice topic, it is useful

Submitted by Begin81 on Thu, 14/11/2019 - 15:44

Thanks you Admin and every people. This is a good material for me to learn and improve my English. I'm try practice more times and I think I can use English better than now!

Submitted by obertshumba on Sun, 11/08/2019 - 13:53

I would like to give many thanks to the British Council for this wonderful piece of study material. I am looking forward to learning new things on this platform. I am learning the English language and I hope one day I will be able to speak fluently like a native.

Hello obertshumba

Thanks very much! We're so pleased that you found us and look forward to 'seeing' you around the site!

All the best


The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by Nazarova Feruza on Sat, 29/06/2019 - 05:38

Hello everyone! Thank you for the necessary information.

Submitted by Yurii Konovalenko on Mon, 27/05/2019 - 18:08

nice tasks

Submitted by Akmal Karimov on Fri, 24/05/2019 - 12:13

I try to memorize the domain of each country. The domain UZBEKISTAN "UZ"
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