Episode 01: Meeting friends

Episode 01: Meeting friends

In this first episode, some friends meet up for tea in a café.

Do the Preparation task first. Then listen to the audio. Next go to each Task and do the activity. If you need help, you can read the Transcript at any time.



Johnny: Hello! Hello? Excuse me! Excuse me?

Olivia: Just sit down anywhere – they don’t have waiters in here!

Johnny: Oh, ok, is it ok if I sit here?

Olivia: Sure...but you’ll need to go to the counter if you want anything...

Johnny: Actually, I’m not really here to eat, or anything. I’m supposed to be meeting someone.

Olivia: Well, wait here long enough, most of London will come in...

Johnny: Sorry?

Olivia: Just joking.

Sarah: Excuse me, is anybody sitting here?

Olivia: I can’t see anyone!

Sarah: Sorry?

Olivia: Just joking. Go ahead, sit down.

Sarah: Thanks.

Olivia: You might be waiting a while if you sit here.

Sarah: Sorry?

Olivia: There are no waiters here – people usually just go up to the counter and order whatever they want.

Sarah: Oh...well...I’m just supposed to be meeting someone here actually...

Olivia: Not him, by any chance?

Sarah: Who?

Olivia: This guy here!

Johnny: Hello!

Sarah: Oh. No...

Johnny: No...I am waiting to meet someone...but not you! Where are you from, anyway?

Sarah: Well, I live in London now, but I’m originally from Shanghai.

Johnny: Thought so! I’m from Hong Kong.

Olivia: Sorry to interrupt..but who are you both waiting for?

Johnny: I’m waiting for my friend Harry...

Sarah: ...and I’m waiting for my friend Magda...

Olivia: How interesting!

Johnny: Erm...why’s that interesting?

Olivia: Because Harry and Magda are both friends of mine as well, and right now I’m waiting for both of them too...and here they are!

All: Hello

Olivia: Let’s make this easier - I’m Olivia!

Johnny: I’m Johnny. I’m a friend of...

Harry: ...mine. He’s a friend of mine. I’m Harry.

Sarah: Ok! I’m Sarah, and I’m a friend of...

Magda: ...mine! I’m Magda. Nice to meet you!

Olivia: This is complicated, isn’t it? Shall I get some tea? I think we’ll need a big pot, this might take some time. So, how do we all know each other..?


Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Language level

Average: 4 (92 votes)

Submitted by Zeng on Sun, 18/10/2020 - 06:44

Hi it is very powerful website for learning English.
Profile picture for user Walid Roman

Submitted by Walid Roman on Sat, 15/08/2020 - 18:26

Thank you for this series. Do you have any option for downloading these series, please?

Hello Walid Roman,

I'm afraid the series is not available for download at the moment.



The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by Bruno2020 on Wed, 10/06/2020 - 15:18

Thanks for all help you guys offer! It has helping me a lot.

Hello vaninaice,

Both of these verbs are correctly formed, but I'm afraid I can't say which one is best without knowing the situation.

The good news is that you can probably find out yourself by reading more about these two forms on our Present perfect simple and continuous page. If you have any more questions about this, please don't hesitate to ask us there.

All the best


The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by MISHELL BELEM … on Wed, 06/05/2020 - 03:57

I really love this website and the series!! Thank you for your help and the resourses for ESL learners

Submitted by grateful on Wed, 05/02/2020 - 04:07

I wish I knew this website sooner

Submitted by User_User on Fri, 20/12/2019 - 11:40

Hello I've got a question about the following dialogue: Sarah: Excuse me, is anybody sitting here? Olivia: I can’t see anyone! Sarah: Sorry? Olivia: Just joking. Go ahead, sit down. The answer to the question 'Is anybody sitting here?' in the dialogue is 'I can't see anyone!'. I would understand this as follows: This seat isn't occupied (because I can't see anyone) so it's free. That would mean that I can sit there if I like. Therefore I don't understand the reaction 'Sorry?' of Sarah and what the joke of Olivia is. Remark: When I submit my comments and see them entirely in a bigger text box then I often spot some mistakes which I didn't see in the smaller text box but then is it too late to change anything. Bye
Profile picture for user Peter M.

Submitted by Peter M. on Sat, 21/12/2019 - 08:58

In reply to by User_User


Hello User_User,

It's always a bad idea to explain a joke, to be honest, as they are never funny when explained. But with that warning, I'll try.

Sarah's question 'Is anybody sitting here?' is not about whether or not there is a person on the chair - Sarah can see that. It's a question about whether or not the seat is free. It could be not free because the occupier has gone to the lavatory, for example.

Olivia's answer is a deliberate misunderstanding for humorous effect. She knows what Sarah means but pretends it's a literal question about whether or not there is a person in the chair right now. Another variant of the same joke would be to answer "Well if they are sitting there then they're very small!"

Sarah didn't get the joke, which is why she was confused.



The LearnEnglish Team