Clothes 1

Do the exercises to learn words for different kinds of clothes.

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Task 5


Language level

Average: 4 (53 votes)

Submitted by marzieh on Tue, 07/04/2020 - 21:49

I like to wear comfortable clothes. in winter, I wear trousers and a jumper or coat in summer, I wear a skirt and top

Submitted by Sarah Roghoke on Tue, 07/04/2020 - 14:26

I enjoy wearing jeans & tops or T-shirts and flat sandals. But most working days I wear I prefer to wear gowns with pockets and flat loafers.

Submitted by Dariusz on Tue, 18/02/2020 - 00:15

On the tops I like to wear most t-shirt when is warm and sweatshirt of t-shirt when is cold. When is really cold I put jacket, scarf and hat. I usually don't wear shirt and jumper because I don't like it. I prefer casual clothes. On the bottoms I like to wear most jeans.

Submitted by Fariy on Fri, 14/02/2020 - 08:54

The cloth the most I like to wear is trouser and T-shirt because I like to wear free style.
Profile picture for user Rafaela1

Submitted by Rafaela1 on Wed, 01/01/2020 - 14:18

Hello admins, I often hear "running/ jogging/ walking shoes" and "sneakers" instead of "trainers". Are they different??

Hello Rafaela1,

'sneakers' and 'trainers' mean the same thing, but the first is American English and the second is British English.

As far as I know (I'm not a runner), 'running shoes' and 'jogging shoes' are the same kind of shoe; for most people, 'jogging' and 'running' are the same thing, though for some 'jogging' refers to a kind of slower-paced running, whereas running is a more general term that can include jogging plus faster running.

'walking shoes' in theory could be a bit different from running or jogging shoes, though I expect they are quite similar in many ways.

Hope that helps you make sense of it!

All the best


The LearnEnglish Team