A report on a student meeting

A report on a student meeting

Learn how to write a report.

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Improvements to Oak Hall


This report aims to describe problems in Oak Hall of Residence and discuss possible maintenance work to solve them. The two biggest issues were discussed at a meeting on 12 May, which was attended by 165 of the 250 students who live in the building.

Issue 1: temperature in rooms

A number of students complained that the second-floor bedrooms are too hot. Concerns were raised about lack of sleep and students finding it hard to study in their rooms. Air conditioning was suggested as a possible solution.

However, there is no budget left for installing air conditioning this academic year. Also, installation can only be carried out during holidays as students cannot be present in the building while the work takes place.

Issue 2: improving wheelchair access to Oak Café

It was noted that wheelchair users can only access Oak Café from the back and not the front entrance nearer the lifts. This makes access to the café difficult for wheelchair users. The university is looking to improve its wheelchair access in general by installing ramps in key areas and work can take place during term time with no issues for staff or students.

Conclusion and recommendations

Taking the factors mentioned into account, August would be the best time for the installation of air conditioning. Until then, the university could consider supplying fans to each second-floor room so students can sleep and study comfortably.

The front of the café is recommended as an ideal place to install a wheelchair ramp. This work can take place immediately and should be a priority.


  1. Start with the aim of the report and say where the information comes from.
  2. Use subheadings to make the layout clear. Follow a logical structure, e.g.:
    • Introduction
    • The problem(s) (Give each issue a separate section)
    • Conclusion and recommendations
  3. Assume the person reading the report has asked you to write it and needs only a brief introduction to the situation.
  4. Use an impersonal, formal style.
  5. Use the passive to keep the focus off individual people:
    Concerns were raised about ...
    ... was suggested ...
  6. You should also use objective language for recommendations and conclusions:
    ... would be the best …
    the university could consider ...
    ... is recommended ...

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3


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Profile picture for user OlaIELTS

Submitted by OlaIELTS on Sun, 19/04/2020 - 00:00

Yes. I had. Report for lost of an item.

Submitted by do151287aaa on Fri, 03/04/2020 - 15:41

Marketing strategy for Logic Supply LLC Introduction This report aims to sum up a score of our work in 2019. Our company Logic Supply LLC started to develop a new business direction in November 2018. We are providing business consultancy services in companies incorporation, bank account opening support, tax residency, family visas, audit reports etc. However, we do not have strong marketing strategy so work is growing slow up. To increase the number of clients, we need to discuss with partners further steps. Step 1: Website development The website is very simple and does not contain our services in full. Considering this we cannot advertise our work online. Step 2: Networking Build a new connections - one of the most important step in our work. Client has to be sure, that we are professionals and we can provide best solutions in business set up, so they can meet them needs in business growing and development. Although, because of COVID-19, we cannot start networking immediately. Conclusion and planning We should hire a part time copywriter to accommodate information of company services as well as articles on the website. Also, we need to buy an additional space on the domain, so we could download pictures and videos to make it looks professional. We can complete this work while quarantine, as we have a lot of time because of isolation. Starting from September 2020 we have to make a schedule of relevant events. Everyone has to attend it alternately and prepare the report with contact details of potential clients. Once report is received, I will be sending them our company profile and fill in details in the CRM system, so we could mailing news and new products.


  • anonymous user role (no expiration)

Submitted by Zhansaya (not verified) on Wed, 01/04/2020 - 12:25

Improvements in the Library. Introduction This report aims to describe problems in the Library and discuss possible maintenance work to solve them. The three important issues were discussed at a meeting on 3d April, which was attended by 16 of the 17 employees who working in the Library. Issue 1: Loss of books. Approximately all workers in the Library complained that the books disappeared every week. Concerns were raised about loss of books and Library employees finding it hard to work without a report of full book list and of course broken camcorders . Currently, they needed to find someone who steals the books to solve this problem . However, to find the books which stealed is not so easy as seems and it takes time to definite the thief. Issue 2: Camcorders. As expected, in the Library were not installed camcorders and half of them were broken due to this, it becomes harder to find the thief.This also takes time to install camcorders. Issue 3: Technical difficulties. It was noted that in the Library attend some technical problems which makes difficult for the Library workers make registration or booking books on the Library website. The Library team is looking to improve this problems and discussed the solution of problems as soon as possible. Conclusion: Taking the factrors mentioned into account above , the Friday and Saturday would be the best time for the installation of camcorders which helps to workers to find and definite the thief who steal the books all the time. Also the technical difficulties will be solved soon.

Submitted by farid007 on Wed, 25/03/2020 - 18:41

Hall of residence This report is aimed at delivering the result of survey which was carried out among students to provide solution to general problems encountered by students. Around 350 students participated in this survey, 250 among these students offered similar solution to general problems encountered by most students in current academic term. Issue 1. The residents of students hall complained that they do not have proper waste disposal system which can cause respiratory and infectious diseases. To prevent it, residents suggested thaf for recycling and environmental issues there should be separation of waste, glasses disposed to glass container and plastic to plastic container. Students also suggested that fine to be introduced for disposal of garbage on the streets to prevent further pollution of city. Issue 2. The majority of complaints touched upon the issue of not having enough study spaces, labs and entertainment facilities. The lack of book cafes and clubs were main concern of student Students. They find solution in rooms being renovated and new cafes as well as clubs being opened for residents. Issue 3. Lack of accommodation. Lack of accommodation was another issue for students accepted into Uni in current academic term. Being not able to find student accommodation, students were forced to pay excessive rent to stay in outskirts of city which increased their transportation costs and time to reach Uni. It was predicted that the construction of new student residential area and involvement of construction companoes in this process could partly solve this problem. Conclusion Taking all above mentioned into consideration, student council decided to prevent spread of infectionary diseases install new waste disposal system and fine for polluting environment. When it comes to issue of not having proper study facilities, it was suggested that new clubs and cafes should be opened for students. Finally, student's meeting concluded that new residential area for students is to be built by involvement of construction companies in this process to be able to accommodate newly accepted students.
Profile picture for user Magedelabd

Submitted by Magedelabd on Sun, 15/03/2020 - 13:50

Yes of course as an automotive service center manager , I had to write technical reports to to the warranty department to get approvals to replace detected parts explaining the customer complaints , the workshop findings , the actual values , and the parts needed to solve the problem.

Submitted by Mansoori on Sun, 08/03/2020 - 11:47

This report aims to describe problems in a university that i recently graduated. Problem 1: lack of facilities. students complained about shortage of place and equipment in lab, most of them had to do their experiments in a small and limited space without disturbing others. Problem 2:Low budget It was suggested to students to purchase some materials which was needed, actually faculty didn't afford to supply them, that meant more pressure on them. Problem 3: neglecting professors. Some of the supervisors mostly spent the time for personal issues so we should have stood on our own feet. we didn't receive guideline sufficiently, that make us feel wandering. Conclusion: Take into account mentioned factors. First of all university could consider accepting students based on capacity. Secondly supervising on masters sounds necessary.
Profile picture for user Nikolaos Stavrianakis

Submitted by Nikolaos Stavr… on Sat, 29/02/2020 - 15:15

I had to write a report related to refuge issues in Chios (Greek island). A report on a residents meeting Introduction This report aims to describe problems in Chios town which residents are facing and discuss how to solve them. The biggest issue was discussed at a meeting on 25 February, which was attended by 1250 residents of 2000 who live in the town. Issue: A lot of refugees arrived in the town All the residents at the meeting complained about the huge amount of refugees that have arrived. Concerns were raised about the lack of accommodation, toilets, food, medical attention. There's a risk of diseases and infections due to the lack of hygiene. Conclusion and recommendations Taking the factors into account the government has to address all these problems immediately. The residents recommended that a number of refugees be moved to other areas in Greece and Europe. The problem of too many refugees in Greece is not only a Greek problem but also a European problem. PS: In my report above I wrote There's a risk of diseases and infections..... is that correct? or should I have written There's a risk of disease and infection.... Thank you Nikolaos

Hello Nikolaos

Both are correct but there is a slight difference in meaning. When you say 'disease and infection', you are speaking about them in general, so saying it that way can actually include different kinds of diseases and infections. If you use the plural, then you are of course speaking about different kinds directly.

In the end, the difference in meaning is negligible. I slightly prefer the singular version, but really either is fine.

Good luck with this difficult situation.

All the best


The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by jazmin marquez on Wed, 26/02/2020 - 00:58

Introduction This report aims to describe the main problems in Bogotá and discuss possible measures to improve this city. The two issues were identified in a survey applied to 700 citizens. Problem 1 contamination Citizens complained that the city is the most polluted in the country. The polluted has important consequences for the health of this population. Respiratory diseases and infections are frequent, but this situacion cannot improve as long as there are no clear recycling policies. Problem 2: insecurity Statistics have shown that in Bogotá insecurity is growing. People are afraid and police action is limited. This makes living in the streets difficult, and also the violence is grow. Topic 3: unemployment Every time more citizens are unemployed, this inhibits development both in the family and in the city. WHILE THERE IS MORE UNEMPLOYMENT, THERE WILL BE MORE VIOLENCE AND INSECURITY. People belives that it is necessary to trust and support the own industry Conclusion and Recommendations Taking into account the mentioned factors. First, it is urgent to create and disseminate clear recycling policies. Secondly, police work in reducing insecurity should be monitored. Finally, the city's industry must be supported by citizens and, mainly, by the State.

Submitted by Elius Hossain on Sat, 22/02/2020 - 05:33

I had to write a report on two important issues related to our university dorm. It aimed to inform the authority and request to take proper steps to solve these issues. I delivered the report to the authority on behalf of the students of the dorm. The first problem was about the dorm's surrounding environment which was dirty and unhygienic. The yard of the dorm wasn't cleaned regularly due to lacking staff. Thus, this place converted to the region for producing mosquitoes. As a result, students faced so many problems including suffering fever, even dengue, etc. Therefore, we urged the authority to take proper steps to prevent this problem. We were concern about our mosque which was too little to prayers. Moreover, it was made of a ten-shade roof which produced unbearable heat during the summer. Thus, a big mosque with a concrete structure was needed to resolve this problem. We also recommended starting this construction during our term break to avoid noise. Taking the factors mentioned into account, the yard should be cleaned by hiring more staff as early as possible. Until then, mosquito medicine could be sprayed regularly to prevent birth forth. August, term break period would be the best time for starting construction.