I like wear earrings in my every day life. I think that it is more interesting and pleasant accessories.
Also, early I liked rucksacks, but now I prefer wear bags, because rucksacks is boring for me and i think that it is oldfashion now, in addition, bags is more elegant. I think about different bags, about its forms and colors. And dream about someone, wich will be ideal for me. Short time ago I had talk with my friend about bags, and she told that now all people prefer rucksacks, and bags no need anyone. I was very surprised and thougt that it is interesting, that different people have defferent minds.
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All of these items are examples of accessories. There are more than just twelve, of course, but we provide a selection of the most common words in this category.
b)No,I don´t
c)Table, chairs, sofa, fridge, micro-wave
d)My opninion about strange house is because their houses isn´t cosy and confortable
Simão Duarte nº21 7ºA
Hello alan.velasquez,
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The LearnEnglish Team
Hello foad reza,
All of these items are examples of accessories. There are more than just twelve, of course, but we provide a selection of the most common words in this category.
The LearnEnglish Team