A team meeting about diversity

A team meeting about diversity

Listen to a team meeting about diversity to practise and improve your listening skills.

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.



Nina: As you know, our team has grown a lot in the past year and we feel we need to address the diversity in the team.

Brenda: How do you mean, 'address the diversity'?

Nina: Well, we all know that diversity in teams is a good thing, but it can also be a challenge for some people to respect and value people's differences. We've got a really diverse team here – people of different nationalities, backgrounds, religions, ages … and sometimes I don't feel we make the most of this.

Stefano: Yes, and even if it isn't specifically challenging, many people are simply unaware of the isolation that some team members may feel because they are different.

Brenda: So, what does this mean? What are we going to do?

Nina: Well, we need to create a workplace charter. You know, one that promotes equality, diversity and inclusion.

Brenda: That sounds like a good idea. But will people just see it as something the management team has created? Maybe they won't even pay attention to it.

Nina: I know. That's why we're going to involve everyone in creating it.

Stefano: That's a good idea. We could run some workshops and get ideas from the employees about how we can create a more inclusive workplace.

Nina: Exactly. I was thinking that before that we could run some team-building sessions so they can experience the value of diversity for themselves.

Brenda: Yes, I like that. Many people see diversity as something negative, often because there are different opinions or ways of doing things.

Nina: Yes, I know, but if there's no diversity, then the risk is that we all work in the same way, think the same and see the world the same. This makes it hard to be creative and to innovate.

Stefano: I completely agree, Nina. OK. So, what do you want us to do?

Nina: Stefano, can you look for a successful trainer who specialises in running workshops and team-building sessions on diversity and inclusion?

Stefano: Sure. I'll be happy to.

Nina: And Brenda, can you find a fun venue? Somewhere that is quite diverse itself. Something that's not the usual seminar-style environment?

Brenda: Sure. That'll be fun.

Nina: And I'm going to do some further research into how other organisations are benefiting from their diversity. I can share this with the whole team.

Task 1

Task 2


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Submitted by Wesley54 on Mon, 30/03/2020 - 21:36

I had a diverse workplace when I attended to the internship period. There were people with different beliefs, ideas and perspectives. Fortunately, we had weekly meetings so as to define the activities and new solutions to problems, according to each category and the people's role. The diversity helped our team by doing some researches, plans and reports more effectively and quickly, since it increased new ways of doing them.
Profile picture for user Kadir

Submitted by Kadir on Sun, 29/03/2020 - 19:34

In my country there is a very diverse population. We've all lived together in peace for years . We can share our pain, happiness and hopes. I think if people respected other people's differences, the Earth could be like a palace. Nowadays we fight as one world against the COVID-19 and I believe that we have to know that our differences are not more important than life. We have only one world and we have tou share it.

Submitted by Rania Koura on Thu, 26/03/2020 - 15:59

In my organization, we have a big diverse team; everyone has his own beliefs and background and we all respect each other.
In this case you should clearly find out the positive results out it. Specially innovation and creativity, is it so?
Profile picture for user vanenglish

Submitted by vanenglish on Sun, 22/03/2020 - 23:33

My workplace is diverse in the way we have differences about our beliefs, religions, behaviours and ages. We believe that diversity benefit us when we need to find solutions for our clients, ¡that is really good!

Submitted by IMS on Mon, 16/03/2020 - 08:45

I'm sure that diversity is most important for making innovations and realize them. Cause different people have a different ways to solve the problems. So human resources have to create new ideas and organize team-building sessions for consolidate diferent peoples.

Submitted by Kateryna on Mon, 02/03/2020 - 19:09

As far as I concerned, that diversity that's a thing that makes the team really productive and competitive. I've been working in a big international company and I know a lot about the value of diversity team with members from the whole world. If we will be politeness and try to understand other colleagues with different from your point of view - we can be great team-players. So, I believe that only a team with a wide circle of different views among ourselves can create some really unique and outstanding.
Profile picture for user Nikolaos Stavrianakis

Submitted by Nikolaos Stavr… on Fri, 28/02/2020 - 09:06

We've got a really diverse team. We have people of different nationalities, religions male and female, young and old. Diversity is a significant factor in keeping workers happy and retaining them. Businesses that emphasize diversity as part of their companies policy are actually more profitable. Employees ultimately feel more comfortable at work despite their difference, noting that a commitment to their culture is a commitment to them. Teams that are able to talk out their differences and discuss cultures ultimately grow closer. Accepting diversity makes a teem creative and innovative. It also makes the team more akin to family and community, versus somewhere to pick up a paycheck. PS: In my text above I wrote a sentence " Employees ultimately feel..... Is this sentence correct? or should I write "Ultimately employees feel.... Thank you Nikolaos

Hello Nikolaos

Both word orders are fine, though I think putting 'ultimately' first is a little more natural. If you put 'ultimately' first, there should be a comma after it: 'Ultimately, employees feel ...'

All the best


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