A conference programme

A conference programme

Read the programme for a management conference to practise and improve your reading skills.

Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises.


Reading text

Morning programme


Conference opening
Dr Jon Martinez


Management styles
with Helena Clark

Consider the different management styles and how you can adapt yours to suit your team.

Giving feedback
with Amelia Novak

Explore the different ways to give feedback to maximise development.

Managing change
with Akira Yoshida

Help your employees deal with change and to see the positives change can bring.

10.45–11.15 Coffee break

Using storytelling in leadership communication
with Antoine Martin

Sometimes, the best way to communicate with your team is by telling stories. Find out how to do this in this workshop.

Leading small businesses
with Cheng Wei

How is leading small businesses different and how can leaders of small businesses bring success to their team?

Leading in uncertain times
with Omar Abboud

Uncertainty can affect the success of your team. Learn to bring confidence to your team in a time of uncertainty.

Afternoon programme

12.30–2.00 Lunch

Managing international projects
with Alisa Petrov

Consider how to ensure successful intercultural communication in your international teams.


Developing creative thinking in your team
with Mariana Silva

How can you get your team to think more creatively? Explore the different ideas that can help your team see things in a new way.

Conflict management
with Tracy Edwards

Conflict can create problems in your team, but managing conflict well can bring about development. Learn how to manage conflict in this workshop.

3.15–4.15 Group discussions
4.15–5.00 Conference closing
Dr Grace Moloney



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Average: 4.5 (261 votes)

Submitted by Ajat on Mon, 20/04/2020 - 12:05

I would attend the conference session with Amelia Novak about the different ways to give feedback. In my opinion it's an important skill to know. How to react at work will maximise self and team development and it is also a big quality of a Leader.

Submitted by Trương Gia Hải on Thu, 16/04/2020 - 13:03

I would attend Leading small businesses with Cheng Wei. I want to startup a technology company so I should learn more about leading and improve a business.

Submitted by Ahmed Salem on Wed, 15/04/2020 - 21:38

I would attend using storytelling in leadership communication with Antoine Martin as I think the motivated success stories give the power and maintaining the enthusiasm among the team.

Submitted by hlopez on Wed, 15/04/2020 - 06:04

I would attend to Management styles conference, because I want to explore the different ways to manage, and how to adapt them in the organization.
Profile picture for user Cheick Sadibou

Submitted by Cheick Sadibou on Sun, 12/04/2020 - 16:33

Any of these sessions is interesting cause they are all about team management. But the sessions about managing styles, managing conflict, leading small businesses have affected me more as i'm in training to become a logistics manager that's why have to learn how to lead a team. The article is a learning source for everyone in the management field.
Profile picture for user OlaIELTS

Submitted by OlaIELTS on Sat, 11/04/2020 - 23:09

Every session is important. I wouldn't like to miss any. The reason being that all is a prerequisite for development.

Submitted by temirgali.bauyrzhan on Sat, 11/04/2020 - 19:16

The management conference is one of the best way to know something new and receive much information about it. Todays session we have different tutors who explain and consider different skills in management field. First of all i am interested in programm of Akira Yoshida. She considers main aspects of managing changes and give useful information for audience. After that I listened on Helena Clark's course and again was exicted with a hearing information. Tutor telled all instruments in details and teach every person to adapt in different management styles. In conclusion I want to add that this conference was very nice. Thank you!

Submitted by BiankaB. on Thu, 09/04/2020 - 14:35

My favourite sesion is the one with name "Coffee break". :D No, I'm just kidding.:) Lots of these sessions are useful for this pandemic time, but the most important for me is "Managing changes". Nowadays I am without my job and I'm looking for new opportunities, how to move on with my life, and I'm thinking about change of my work field. And this also led me to this online course. Thanks.:)