An airport departures board

An airport departures board

Read an airport departures board to practise and improve your reading skills. 

Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises.


Reading text
Time Flight Destination Gate Remarks
10:45 XZ 3265 Chennai 17 Departed
10:50 SQ 0972 Amsterdam 23 Departed
11:00 SQ 2509 Mexico City 19 Departed
11:05 RT 9122 Buenos Aires 34 Cancelled
11:10 XZ 6005 Los Angeles 05 Final call
11:20 QE 0078 Beijing 33 Final call
11:25 TY 2053 Christchurch 56 Delayed
11:25 ER 7452 Seoul 25 Boarding
11:30 XZ 0352 Moscow 12 Boarding
11:35 XZ 0569 Kuala Lumpur 27 Gate change

Task 1

Task 2


Worksheet78.43 KB

Language level

Average: 4.2 (30 votes)
Profile picture for user Onur

Submitted by Onur on Thu, 04/06/2020 - 11:30

I love travelling so much. If the location is far, I prefer getting there by plane. However it depends on the price. Coach trips are usually cheaper than flight prices. I would like to visit LA. I wonder Holywood, Beverly Hills and Silicon Valley. On the other hand, the trip takes a lot of time on the air from my country Turkey. Besides, price of this trip is extremmely expensive. I think, I will never be able to affort it.

Submitted by eshan.saif on Tue, 02/06/2020 - 19:45

I have never traveled by plane yet but I would like to travel to Maldives and Netherlands.

Submitted by Leonardo Lisboa on Tue, 02/06/2020 - 01:41

My last flight was a long time ago, five years from now to be more specific, so I have to say, I don’t fly too much. I want to visit Japan, England and USA.

Submitted by Thucuoi on Wed, 20/05/2020 - 09:22

unfortunately, I have no conditions to travel in my country as well as abroad and haven't had opportunity to travel by plane yet. If possible, i want to visit all domestic destinations and then to The Republic of Korea, Singapore.

Submitted by davidtan on Sun, 17/05/2020 - 07:21

I never travelled by plane but i'd like to travel all over the world

Submitted by konatenasty on Sun, 17/05/2020 - 01:35

I have travelled a lot by plane. I have been a long trip and short trip.i have had flights cancelled and delayed.i have selpt for hours at aiports.these are my experience of air time ,i want to travel to india ,turkey or japan

Submitted by mouna99 on Sat, 16/05/2020 - 15:26

I have never travled by a plane, and I would like to visit europe

Submitted by Muhammad Bagir on Sat, 16/05/2020 - 04:10

I never had chance to travel by plane. If i got one, Japan is the first country that show in my mind.

Submitted by Nyanko Neko on Fri, 15/05/2020 - 13:51

I never have a chance travel by plane. I always desire have a chance see the word. If I have a chance, i will travel to Japan, Chiana, Seoul, Italy .... This is a country where i want to come once in my life. It is my dream. I belive my dream is come true soon

Submitted by c.lopes23 on Thu, 14/05/2020 - 13:38

After the lockdown, once for month. I'd like to visit the Spain, Peru, Colombia, Australian, France, Italy...