Email addresses
Every email address contains this sign: @ . Here are some email addresses:
As you can see, Bob uses his first name only in his email address: bob@yahoo.bh. Jeffery Amherst uses his first name and surname in his email address: jeffery.amherst@britishcouncil.org. The address reservations@beachhotelbern.com gives the name of the department (Reservations), but not the name of the person.
Saying email addresses
When you say an email address:
- remember that @ is pronounced ‘at’ and . is pronounced 'dot'. reservations@beachhotelbern.com is ‘reservations at beach hotel bern dot com’
- sometimes there is a . in the person's name. jeffery.amherst@britishcouncil.org is ‘jeffery dot amherst at british council dot org’
- _ in an email address is called ‘underscore’. teaching_ job@english_academy.id is ‘teaching underscore job at English underscore academy dot I D’.
Note that it is not necessary to use capital J and A in Jeffery Amherst's email address. People sometimes write email addresses with capital initial letters (Jeffery.Amherst@britishcouncil.org). Sometimes it is all in capitals (JEFFERY.AMHERST@BRITISHCOUNCIL.ORG). However, most people write email addresses without capital letters (jeffery.amherst@britishcouncil.org).
Address books
Email addresses appear in alphabetical order (A–Z). When names start with the same letter, look at the second letter. Here, all the names begin with F, but the second letters are: e i r u. These are in alphabetical order.
Name | Email address |
Fellah | fellah@bqbaccounting.com |
Fida | fhussein@arabianairways.org |
Fred Aston | fred99@astoncity.biz |
Fudail H | fudailh@aglant.net |
Domain names
Email addresses often include the name of the country that the address is from. This is the final two letters of the address. Here are some examples:
.af | Afghanistan |
.id | Indonesia |
.ma | Morocco |
.se | Sweden |
.uy | Uruguay |
Hello Ahmed Shallal
Have you looked through our Reading and Writing skills sections? I believe that in all of the levels for each skill, you will find at least one example of an email. Some of them are informal, and some are formal.
Good luck!
All the best
The LearnEnglish Team
Hello zabiullah
Sorry about that! Just so you know, after you check your answers, you can press the 'See Answers' button to see the results. This is true of any exercise on our site.
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The LearnEnglish Team
Hello shamsukprm
I'm afraid we're not able to correct our users' texts. If you have a question about a specific phrase or short sentence, we can help you with that, though we ask that you explain to us what specific part of it you are unsure about.
All the best
The LearnEnglish Team