Instructions for an assignment

Instructions for an assignment

Listen to a university teacher giving instructions for an assignment to practise and improve your listening skills.

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.



I want to explain a few things about your essay.

First of all, the deadline. The deadline for this essay is October the 18th. Not the 19th, not the 28th, not two days later because your dog was ill or your computer broke – the 18th. If it's late, I won't mark it. I won't even read it – you'll fail the assignment! So, please hand it in on time. You can even hand it in early, if you like!

You can email me the essays at That's H-A-R-T-S-H-O-R-N. I'll reply to say I've got it. If I don't reply within a day, it might mean I didn't get it, so please email me again to make sure. You can also bring a paper copy of the essay to my office, but let's be kind to the trees, OK? Email is better for the trees and for me.

Don't forget that you must reference every idea or quote you use that isn't your own idea. And the last page of your essay should be a list of all the books you used, in alphabetical order, not in the order you used them!

And lastly, make it easy for me to read! That means use a clear font. Arial is best, but Times New Roman is fine too. Not Comic Sans please! Size 12 font for the essay, and size 14 for the titles and subheadings. And use page numbers. Any questions?

Task 1

Task 2


Worksheet78.64 KB

Language level

Average: 4.3 (73 votes)

Submitted by LarisaAlp on Thu, 11/06/2020 - 18:58

If I write essays in the native language it's very easy for me. I need only some time to do it. But I'm not ready to write essays in English because I know English grammar not enough and my vocabulary isn' too rich. Unfortunately, I make pretty simple sentences and it isn't a very good style.

Submitted by iisrimadanti20 on Thu, 11/06/2020 - 12:13

I think writing essays it's so difficult for me, I must to have a vocabulary too much, grammar and references too. writing essays is need reserachs a lot.

Submitted by Sharif Tayyebi on Wed, 03/06/2020 - 10:46

In my view, writing an essay or assignment for college and school is not very difficult. When I was a student, I wrote many essays. But in an academic research, it will be hard to write. There are many important things or points to be noted. First of all, we should be free from all kinds of judgments and should use academic norms and terminologies which maintain many different types of methods and epistemologic approaches from one field to another. Secondly, we should study hard to find a good theory that can explain our subject. Thirdly, we must collect a lot of data and analyse them based on our theory which is accepted by our research. Finally, after all these things, time is to make a deduction. We should carefully compare our data with our presumptions and answer to questions/ problem adequately. Indeed, writing an essay is not very difficult, if we have enough sources and time. We should work hard, and it will not be easy, if we don't want to sustain any discomfort.

Submitted by Diemquynh9101 on Sat, 30/05/2020 - 12:58

Writing an esáy is diìcult for me , because i need have know grammar, know many vocabulary and must find ideas to explain to my main idea

Submitted by amal.araia on Sat, 30/05/2020 - 01:37

Writing an essays is difficult for me, because I worry a lot a bout the right way to write a sentences, spellings, grammar, forms and my idea itself.

Submitted by mouna99 on Mon, 18/05/2020 - 15:12

Writing is quite hard for me, I've a lack of vocabulary and I don't know how to organize the ideas

Submitted by Fatemeh.Najafzadeh on Sun, 17/05/2020 - 01:32

In my opinion, the most difficult thing about writing assays is finding good phrases and making sentences with right grammatical rules.
Profile picture for user Bignon

Submitted by Bignon on Thu, 07/05/2020 - 16:08

The thing I think more difficult in writing of essay is writing a content. You have to make a lot of research to find ideas to explain your main idea.