Who's who in the office

Who's who in the office

Listen to two people talking about the people in their office to practise and improve your listening skills.

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.



Jani: Welcome to the department, Yuki. Let me show you around and tell you about your new colleagues. I'll introduce you to them all later.

Yuki: Great. Thanks. So, who are those people over there?

Jani: That's the order management team. Luciana deals with the new orders. She's the one with short, dark hair.

Yuki: In the purple dress?

Jani: Yeah, that's right. You'll probably work closely with her while you are learning about our ordering process.

Yuki: Got it, thanks. And who's that over there? The guy who's on the phone?

Jani: Oh, you mean the one by the window? In the green shirt? Ah, that's Ian. He's the marketing director. And that's Maria beside him. She's responsible for the internal IT systems.

Yuki: OK, I'll try to remember all of this. I should probably be taking notes!

Jani: Don't worry about it. For now it's just good to put some faces to names.

Yuki: OK, great – and who do I talk to about setting up my mobile phone with email access? Is that also Maria?

Jani: No, you need to talk to Sebastian who works in communications. He can help you. That's him over there, next to the printer.  

Yuki: Thanks. I'll introduce myself to him later.  


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Submitted by Phan Bao Dung on Fri, 31/07/2020 - 19:00

Tram and Tan are my colleagues. We are laboratory technicians in the pharmaceutical company. We have known each other and have been close for 4 years. Tram is plump and curly hair. Tan is fit and short hair. Both of them are full of energy girls, helpful, and friendly so I like them very much.

Submitted by fahri on Sun, 26/07/2020 - 13:54

Dear team. From the audio above : Jani: Don't worry about it. For now it's just good to put some faces to names. The question is : What does it mean 'put some faces to names' ??? Thank you very much team

Hello fahri,

Jani had heard the names of these people, but never met them. Now that she's meeting them, she can match the names to their faces ('put their faces to names'). In other words, from now on, she can imagine them with their real faces when she thinks of them.

All the best,


The LearnEnglish Team

Thank you very much for your answer. That's very clear. Thanks again

Submitted by Dastenova Firuza on Sat, 11/07/2020 - 20:14

I describe Amanova A. as a head of the department of languages. She is usually well dresses and has blond hair. Kinjemuratova Z is often dressed formally and is responsible for study work. Baymuratova S is a tall and serious girl with long hair. She is in charge of spiritual lightening work at the department.
Profile picture for user Hennadii

Submitted by Hennadii on Sat, 11/07/2020 - 18:18

Oh, it's a tough task. I have lots of colleagues and they all very different. Some of them came to our company just after their graduation. They are young, inexperienced but persisted. Most of them don't have families so after work they are free like a bird. Maybe they spend their free time in cafes or pubs. I would do that in their place )) Some of my colleagues are much older than me. A few of them even have grandkids. They are good specialists with great experience but sometimes they are slow-starters. It's hard to motivate them to learn something new. They think they already know everything ))

Submitted by Suellen Esteves on Mon, 06/07/2020 - 20:25

I describe for both, how they are and what they do.

Submitted by LarisaAlp on Sat, 04/07/2020 - 18:44

My colleagues are very helpful and kind to everyone. And I am happy to be and work near them.

Submitted by abudo93 on Thu, 02/07/2020 - 14:40

I have 4 collegiates in my work, first one his name, Essam, he likes to speak a lot of time and jokes make, but in the same time he is bad in his work and envious or jealous. Second one, his name, Baker, is tall man and good with his work and also funny but in the same time he loves money mostly than any thing even most from his father and his mother, add all that he speak with his wife all the times by phone and massanger app, said : yeah my love, how are you my love?, where are you my love?, ok my love, I'm coming my love.

Submitted by iisrimadanti20 on Sun, 14/06/2020 - 07:56

Yes I can. I work is in one of private school. I have 10 coleagues, all of them are teachers. There's a 3 teachers men and 7 teachers women. The 1 of teacher men with a glasses is the science teacher, we called him Mr. Rahmat . The 2 of another teachers men are Sport teacher and Arabic teacher. The sport teacher men is Mr. Fuad, he always wearing a sportswear on everyday oh, i forgot.. except monday he's wearing shirt looks a like semiformal and the Arabic teacher is Mr. Al he always wearing of koko shirt, uhmm he's graduated from Al-Azhar Cairo of University, Egypt. For 7 of teachers women. Ms. Linda is the social teacher, she's beautiful, nice, considerate person so she's lots of fan.. I mean students like her so much. Ms. Eka is the art teacher, she's beautiful, humorist, creative, she's good of traditional dance, playing the music and sing, if you need a trainer of traditional dance, please call her. Ms. Rina is the Indonesian language teacher, she's nice, funny, she's good making poems because literally she's a poet. Ms. Fitri is the islamic religion teacher, she's outstanding, nice, humorist, energetic. Ms. Nurul is the mathematic teacher, she's polite, nice, and smart. Ms. Ilmi is the english teacher, she's wearing of glasses, she's nice, and smart. And the last is Ms. Ana she's my headmaster, she's outstanding, considerate person, I love her character so much.