Meeting other students

Meeting other students

Listen to a group of new students meeting for the first time to practise and improve your listening skills.

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.



Teacher: So, now you've got the important information, it's time to meet each other. Everyone turn to the people next to you and introduce yourselves.

Cara: So, hi. I'm Cara. And you are?

Robert: Robert.

Selim: Selim.

Cara: Nice to meet you!

Robert and Selim: You too.

Robert: Nice accent. Where are you from?

Cara: I'm from Glasgow.

Robert: Oh, really? My mum's from near Glasgow, so I'm half Scottish.

Cara: Cool. Do you live in Scotland?

Robert: No, we live in England, near Manchester. My dad's from there. What about you, Selim?

Selim: I'm from Leeds originally but I grew up near London.

Cara: Are you both doing history on its own?

Selim: No. I'm doing history and German.

Robert: I'm doing it with maths, actually.

Selim: History and maths. That's different!

Robert: Yeah, I couldn't decide between arts and sciences. Maths doesn't help with remembering dates, though! And you?

Cara: I'm doing history and French.

Selim: I wanted to do French but German was easier, so I took that.

Cara: German is so hard!

Task 1

Task 2


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Average: 4.1 (186 votes)

Submitted by mohamed hassan sobh on Mon, 03/08/2020 - 12:29

selim study history and math !!!

Submitted by Phan Bao Dung on Tue, 28/07/2020 - 17:54

I liked study Chemistry since 8th grade. My major in university was Chemical Engineer. At the moment, I work as a laboratory technician in a pharmaceutical company. I love this job that I started working right after graduating from university.

Submitted by I am on Wed, 22/07/2020 - 19:18

When I was younger and studied at university I preferring to studying constitutional law! because I’d studied at a lawyer. But now, when I dedicated more than a decade to my career path to practicing law, my interests is became so broad. I dedicated a lot of time to discovered a source of law, their genesis and basis. I started to examine a history of countries, a history of nations and global history, emerging process in economic and political growing, psychology and humane nature. But, for me personally, most significant book is a Bible. This Holy Book contain all knowledges, which needed for every person.

Submitted by Alifaraax on Wed, 22/07/2020 - 17:07

I like to study ecology, it's really one of my favorite subject in the university ecology basic tell us how the living organisms interacts among them and how they will interact the non living part of the environment.

Submitted by joice on Wed, 22/07/2020 - 12:48

I like study history and French.

Submitted by Ahmad_Khalil on Tue, 21/07/2020 - 10:49

I like the computer's Science, Math, and languages

Submitted by Miri85 on Mon, 20/07/2020 - 10:16

Now I like to study languages but for some years ago I liked to study chemistry. I reallydon´t have any subject that I am passioneted about.

Submitted by syah on Sun, 19/07/2020 - 13:22

I like to study math and I also kinda like physics and programming.

Submitted by sara1412 on Sat, 11/07/2020 - 06:28

I like to study history .

Submitted by fatfat on Tue, 07/07/2020 - 18:01

I like to study math, English , history.