Look at these examples to see how we can express different degrees of certainty about the future.
I'll definitely be at the meeting, don't worry.
She's likely to say yes if you ask nicely.
It probably won't rain later according to the weather forecast.
Try this exercise to test your grammar.
- Grammar test 1
Read the explanation to learn more.
Grammar explanation
We can show how certain we are about the future by using modal verbs and other expressions.
Modal verbs and adverbs
We can use modal verbs (such as will, might, may or could) and adverbs (such as probably and definitely) to show how sure we are.
Very sure
People will definitely work from home more in the future.
Robots definitely won't replace all human jobs.
Donna will really enjoy this film.
You won't regret it.
Almost sure
We'll probably finish the project by tomorrow.
He probably won't have enough time.
Not sure
I might go to the party, but I'm not sure yet.
He hasn't studied much, so he might not pass the exam.
When you are not sure, we can also use may, could and may not. However, we don't usually use could not to talk about the future.
Other expressions
We can also use other expressions such as be bound to and be likely to, or verbs such as think and doubt.
Very sure
He's bound to feel nervous before his driving test.
She's certain to get that job!
He's certain that he'll get here on time.
There's no chance that we'll ever win the lottery.
There's no way that my boss will give me the day off.
I'm sure that you'll do well in the interview.
Are you sure that you won't be available?
Almost sure
The government's likely to call an election soon.
Ali's unlikely to be invited to the party.
There's a good chance that it'll snow this week.
There's not much chance that I'll finish this essay tonight.
She thinks he'll be able to help.
I don't think we'll have petrol-based cars in the future.
I doubt they'll have any trouble finding the address.
What do you expect mobile phones will be like in ten years' time?
Not sure
There's a chance that she'll be back at work tomorrow.
There's a chance that he might come and visit us next week.
I think we might see more of these problems in the next few years.
I'm not sure that I'll be able to finish this pizza!
Do this exercise to test your grammar again.
- Grammar test 2
Hello GrammarLover,
Both likely and probable are possible. In fact, a wide range of adjectives and adjectival phrases can be used in this structure: likely, probable, distinctly possible, to be expected, odds-on, credible, plausible, within the bounds of possibility, imaginable; expected, anticipated, natural, predicted, foreseeable, ten to one; sure, destined, fated; in the wind, in the air; on the cards, a pound to a penny etc.
The LearnEnglish Team
Hello sir,
I expect we might have to postpone the meeting.
I expect we will have to postpone the meeting.
Could you please explain which one is correct and why is that so ?
Hello sara123_123,
The second one is the better form to use. This is because the phrase 'I expect' already introduces the idea of probability, so we don't generally also use a modal of probability such as 'might' -- instead we normally use 'will'.
If you don't use 'I expect', then 'might' is fine: 'We might have to postpone' or 'I think we might have to postpone'.
All the best,
The LearnEnglish Team
Hello Bruna Vignetti,
You are correct that the adverb usually comes before the main verb:
However, when the auxiliary is negative the adverb is often placed before it:
It is a complex issues, however. You can read more about it here:
The LearnEnglish Team