Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.
Reading text
- You don't need to write complete sentences.
- You can use abbreviations like LOL (= laugh out loud) or IDK (= I don't know) to save time.
- Use emojis
to add feelings.
- You don't need to use full stops (.) at the end of messages.
Language level
I prefer to speak in person or phone calls, it's making "the progress" faster and this is the best way to communicate by showing emotions, voice tones,... a good way to "express" the story or conversation. Even though I still prefer texting messages sometimes for the polite reasons.
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I like to keep the contact with my friends throught text messenges. Lately, I use to send audios via whatsapp to speak with them and tell anecdotes or some things. I dont use to make telephone calls, just to speak with my mum, dad or brothers or when I need to know something inmediatly I have to get the response quickly.
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I like to speak in person. I have few friends to send text massages like the sample! ;)
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I prefer to speak if it's urgent if it's not then I'll just msg them.
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i mostly use text msgs to text my friend about any plan but sometimes i prefer a dial
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I definitely send a lot more text messages, to communicate with my friends and make plans.
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All depends on my mood and time. Sometimes I prefer texting people. Other times I enjoy talking on the phone.
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I don't prefer texting to someone and like to call. If i send messages , i use emojis and abbreviation . I think emojis are so cute .
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I like the word "IDK" somehow. It sounds like "DIY"! ; )
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I texting message to my partner for share jobs information . We usually use this method.
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