Talking about where you're from

In this video, Emir and Vanya learn more about each other. Listen to the language they use for talking about where they're from and practise saying the useful phrases.

Do the preparation exercise first. Then watch the video and do the exercises to check your understanding and practise the language.


Ana: Hi! I'm Ana. Welcome to What to Say

Do you know what to say when you talk about where you're from? Listen out for useful language for talking about where you're from. Then, we'll practise saying the new phrases – after this.


Emir: So where are you from, Vanya? 

Vanya: I was born in Cambridge, but I live in Glasgow.

Emir: I've never been to Glasgow. What's it like? 

Vanya: Oh, it's wonderful. There's always something interesting to do and the people are really friendly.

Emir: It sounds like a nice place to live. 

Vanya: It is. I love it. What about you? Where are you from in Turkey?

Emir: I'm from Istanbul. 

Vanya: Oh, I love Istanbul! I went once, but a long time ago. My favourite thing was baklava. I really, really love baklava!

Emir: Today's your lucky day, Vanya. I made it myself!

Vanya: Oh! These look delicious.

Yuna: Hi.

Vanya: Hi, Yuna!

Yuna: Can I?

Emir: Of course!

Yuna: Emir's baklava is the best. Thank you!

Emir: You're welcome. 

Vanya: I love this place!


Ana: Hello again! Mmm, that baklava looks delicious! So, did you notice the useful phrases used for talking about where you're from? Listen to me and then repeat. 


Where are you from?

I was born in London.

I live in Glasgow now.

What's it like?

It sounds like a nice place to live.

What about you?

I'm from Istanbul.

I love Istanbul.


Ana: Try and use some of these phrases the next time you talk about where you're from in English. Bye for now! 


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Submitted by Momocompanyman on Wed, 28/10/2020 - 17:58

I from Algeria, it's wonderful, the food is really tasty

Submitted by Nurieta on Wed, 28/10/2020 - 11:05

I´m from Spain. Spain is a beautiful country where you can find, amazing beaches in the Mediterranean sea, you can visit lots of cities interesting, and you can enjoy with other people in diferent places, because the weather is normally so gut.
Dear Nurieta, I am interested in Spain. Unfortunely, I have never been there but absolutely I would like to go Spain. I heard the people are very nice. I want to do El Camino. :) Have you made it? :) I am from Hungary. There is the similar way in Hungary. It is just hiking but I love it. This way is longer than El Camino, so it would be more time to finish. :)

Submitted by Thair Theint T… on Fri, 23/10/2020 - 04:56

I'm from Myanmar, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

Submitted by Carlos Cabrera on Wed, 21/10/2020 - 22:05

I'm from El Salvador, it is a small city, but it's a beautiful place to live and the people are very nice, and them are very hardworking.

Submitted by Mennaemadeldin on Wed, 21/10/2020 - 01:05

I'm from Egypt. Egypt has one of the longest histories of any country. it is located in north Africa. there are many wonderful places inside it such as (Dahab-Algona- sharm-alshiekh ... ) and historical places as well such as ( Luxor-Aswan). Egyptian people are Hospitable, Always Ready To Help and always laugh. it is really wonderful country 3

Submitted by Bharti Shukla on Sun, 11/10/2020 - 08:51

I'm from India. Do you know about India?India is the country of different states belonging to the different cultures yet we have a unity in diversity.... That's the sign of our civic sense.

Submitted by Moon Wathan on Sat, 10/10/2020 - 16:14

I am from Myanmar. Do you know my country? But I think you have already known Daw Aung San Su Kyi called the lady, the novel prize owner. She is state counsellor of my country. After that She is very famous and smart. People who live all over the world have known my country, Myanmar because of her. My country has many beautiful places and world heritage marked Pagoda in Bagan. You can see the traditional cultures and heritage long time ago. My country holds seasonal festivals every year. So, if you have time after the pandemic period, you should come to my country. People in my country are very friendly and helpful. Welcome to my country everyone.
Dear Moon Wathan, I love Asia. I have never been in your country but I hope once I can go to there. I love your culture. I saw some pictures about Myanmar and there were amazing. By the way I am from Hungary. Have you ever been there? :)