Film reviews

Film reviews

Listen to the film reviews to practise and improve your listening skills.

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.



Obviously, this is the sequel to Fun in the City, which is a film I didn't like so it's fair to say my expectations were low. So, you could say I wasn't disappointed, as it met my expectations. It was awful! It was so awful, I'd rather not spend any more time on it by talking about it. But, that wouldn't be a film review and I think I owe you all a review to save you wasting your money going to see it.

So, it starts off with this big wedding scene. And, I won't go into why, but the whole scene is just there so they can make this one joke. It's not even a funny joke ... it's just, ah, it's just terrible. It's got nothing to do with the rest of the film. Anyway, it starts there. Then, instead of the characters and the plot staying in New York where the original film was set, one of them wins a ticket to India and decides to take all her friends. It's what directors do when they've run out of ideas … let's take our characters on tour!

Anyway, they gossip, cry and shop, and they repeat this until the end. No real people would ever act like this. I didn't have any sympathy for their problems or even care what happened to them. Don't go and see it, you'll only encourage them to make another sequel. The world doesn't need three of these films. Please save your money and go and see the other big film this week: Twilight Mirror.

So, if you're a fan of the book it's based on, you're probably as excited as I was about this. For everyone else, this is a film fans have been waiting ten years to see. I have to confess, I was a bit nervous. I'd seen the posters and they didn't look right. I didn't love them at all. And I wasn't sure about the actors they cast either. So I went in not sure what to expect. But … I loved it.

One thing I really liked about it was the pace. They went backwards and forwards between the real world and the computer world and it worked really well. The special effects brought the computer world to life and I totally believed in it. But, more than that, I felt emotionally connected to the story and the characters. The whole film worked on so many levels. It reminded me of going to the cinema as a child – how much fun that was. I can't recommend it enough.

Task 1

Task 2


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Average: 4 (81 votes)
Profile picture for user danisep

Submitted by danisep on Wed, 18/11/2020 - 03:37

The last film that I watched was Borat 2 I have never seen any movie from Borat but I really like it this one, some jokes I couldn't believe how they made all of those performances in front of strange people and looks funny and sometimes make me ponder about important issues. The movie is about a journalist who need to drop a present to trump or one of their close political friends so the govern of Kazakhstan thought in gift a monkey but the monkey was eaten by Borat's daughter… I’m writing and I’m laughing it seems so insane but it is fun, now available on prime video.

Submitted by Echo1 on Sat, 24/10/2020 - 10:04

The last time I watched was just last night. It's a tv series called "The Good Place". I think this series is hilarious but at the same time, has a lot of moral everybody should learn.

Submitted by Chiara99 on Fri, 16/10/2020 - 14:51

A few days ago i watched called "The bride's friend" , which it was so bored than I expected when I was watching the trailer. It talked about the distasters of one of the bride's friends and not of all of them. All in all, it got me a lauth.
Profile picture for user Hennadii

Submitted by Hennadii on Tue, 15/09/2020 - 10:55

The last film I watched was "The Favourite" by Yorgos Lanthimos. This film was released in 2018 and most of the critics think it was one of the best movies of the year. The film had 274 nominations in different Awards and won 119 of them. For example, Olivia Colman got her first Oscar as Best Actress and won the same category at BAFA. Almost every valued film festival gave at least one prize to "The Favourite". I think it speaks volumes. What about my impressions? I think the film is great. Despite the simple plot - two women: Lady Sarah (Rachel Weisz) and Abigail (Emma Stone) try to win the favour of Queen Anne (Olivia Colman). And they both down and dirty in their methods. A would like to say, all of them (I mean the main characters) played awesomely. And the others too, of course. The film director was careful in the casting so no one dropped from the film flow. And music! I think it's one of the most important keys to success. In this movie, it couldn't be better. Every single sound at the right time. Well, without spoilers, I strongly recommend you watch this film and you will find: good scenario, excellent cast, prominent directing, great music, awesome costuming, and convincing atmosphere of The Royal Court.

Submitted by Ramazan Altınışık on Fri, 04/09/2020 - 12:08

"Runaway Jury" was the last film I watched. I watched it last week. It was related about justice system. The issue was that Should guns have been prohibited to carry in America. 15 person were chosen to be Jury in a case. The Claimant was a women whose husband has been shot with a gun. Defendant was a gun company which produces guns.

Submitted by DanielM on Fri, 28/08/2020 - 18:56

The last movie that I remember that I saw was Harry Potter in a marathon of Harry Potter films, because I like these films because they convert a "normal" world together with one of magic and I also like that it has been a woman which wrote the books on which the film is based and the type of imagination and ability to illustrate it in a book.

Submitted by juanidkidkidk on Fri, 28/08/2020 - 15:04

Nice tasks, my english teacher recommed this and is wonderful for study english

Submitted by valediaz on Fri, 28/08/2020 - 14:39

I liked this activity

Submitted by fahri on Sat, 08/08/2020 - 18:04

Dear team. From the lesson above. I think I owe you all a review to save you wasting your money going to see it. The question: What does it mean that sentence?? Especially 'I think I owe you' . Thank you very much for your answer