Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is celebrated in many countries, but what are the differences between today's celebration and in the past? Read the text to find out some curious facts about the most romantic day of the year.

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Valentine's Day is on 14 February, and it can seem as if the world is full of couples who are celebrating their love. Some couples might celebrate with dinner at a nice restaurant, flowers, chocolates or other presents. Some single people might put a post on social media about why they hate 'V-Day' or maybe they just avoid it completely. But it's impossible not to know that Valentine's is happening. And that's not surprising when over half of all Brits and Americans celebrate Valentine's in some way.

The price of love

For most of these romantic people, Valentine's Day means spending money. British people spend much less than Americans. The average Brit spends £28.45, while the average American spends $221.34 (approximately £170.81). Interestingly, in the UK, all three adult generations are likely to buy something for Valentine's (around 68–69% of them). But in the USA, millennials spend slightly more than Generation X, and both spend almost a third more than baby-boomers. Across all generations, on both sides of the Atlantic, men spend more money than women. 

The beginning of modern Valentine's Day

Today Valentine's is celebrated in Canada, Mexico, France, Denmark, Italy and Australia as well as the USA and England. But it's the USA where the celebration really became mass market, because of a woman called Esther Howland. She became known as the 'mother of Valentine's' after she created a successful business making and selling greetings cards in the 1840s. She got the idea from valentine cards from Europe that were decorated with lace and flowers and were very expensive. Then, in the early 1900s, two things happened that meant valentine cards became really popular: cheap printed cards were made by the greeting cards company, Hallmark, and the price of postage stamps fell.

Vinegar valentines

At about the same time as this, another kind of valentine card was popular. 'Vinegar valentines' were nasty, anonymous cards that people sent to someone they didn't like. This pre-social media way of trolling people was popular for a hundred years, but not many examples of the cards are in museums today. Museums have big collections of traditional valentine cards, but it's no surprise that not many people kept an unkind valentine card.

Further back in history

Valentine's Day has been celebrated in some way for 600 years. As far back as the 17th century, people gave cards or presents, but the very first valentine messages were written down in the 1400s. In 1415, the Duke of Orleans in France sent his wife a Valentine's Day letter while he was in prison in the Tower of London after the Battle of Agincourt. It is the earliest example of a written valentine message. However, the exact history of Valentine's Day is not known because there were three saints with the name Valentine. One story says that Valentine was a priest. He performed marriages at a time when the Emperor thought that single men were better soldiers than married men. The Emperor was so angry that he punished him with death. Another story says that Valentine helped Christians escape from Roman prisons. A third story says he sent a letter to a girl while he was in prison and signed it 'From your Valentine'.

Whichever story is true, the Catholic Church chose 14 February for St Valentine's Day in AD 270. They probably wanted to replace the pagan festival of Lupercalia on 15 February with the new Christian celebration.


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Submitted by Tanyang on Mon, 23/11/2020 - 15:51

I have had proposed to my wife on Valentine's Day 5 years ago in China, it was complete surprise and she said 'YSE". It was one of my most happiest days, it was a miracle to my life.

Submitted by joyie on Wed, 04/11/2020 - 01:26

I think it doesn’t need an expensive present to show your love. Importantly, you really take care of your lover

Submitted by joyie on Tue, 03/11/2020 - 15:40

A present for the one who you love show that you take care of him or her. Especially, the manner you choose the present.

Submitted by DIỄM PHÚC on Sun, 01/11/2020 - 12:35

On Valentine's Day in Viet Nam, I didn't have a bouquet of flowers or a present because I was single. Instead of this, I went to nice view to relax, I felt comfortable.
Profile picture for user HadjerDk

Submitted by HadjerDk on Sun, 21/06/2020 - 12:29

we can love each other in all days of year not just in 14 feb ... love isnt flowers greeting cards and chocolate . love is a great feeling
Profile picture for user OlaIELTS

Submitted by OlaIELTS on Sat, 30/05/2020 - 21:00

The good way to celebrate love is by dining together, presenting presents like flowers, chocolates, greeting cards and others.

Submitted by NicoZL on Sun, 08/03/2020 - 21:17

Here in Brazil, the valentine's day is in 12 of June, some couples stay in home wich good dinner or making love hehe, but we also can go on a expensive restaurant, some guys like me, buy flowers for my girlfriend, or a good option is chocolate too. Me and my girlfriend start our date on the valentines days, i liked Sorry for my english and hope everyone have a nice day 3

Submitted by Fariy on Fri, 14/02/2020 - 09:57

In my opinion,I think giving warm embrace, showing kindness and taking care of your lover are better than giving other presents. We don't need to spend money too much on valentine's day and we just need to know the way to make our partner happy without wasting money.

Submitted by Tawfiq.abdelaziz on Wed, 12/02/2020 - 22:38

Hi guys! Let's search first about the root of Valentin