The first English class

The first English class

Listen to a teacher give students information about a new course to practise and improve your listening skills.

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.


Hello, everyone. Hello! It's nice to see you all here. Welcome to British Life and Language. I am your teacher. My name is Lindsay Black. That's L-I-N-D-S-A-Y Black. Before we begin, some information about the class.

Our class is in room 13, on the first floor. When you go upstairs, turn left to find the room. Again, that's room 13.

We have class twice a week, on Monday and Wednesday. Our class begins at 4.30 p.m. and lasts 90 minutes, so we finish at 6 p.m. That's 4.30 to 6. Please arrive on time, OK?

Also, I have an office hour if you have questions. I'm in office 7B on the second floor. My office hour is Friday at 6 p.m. So, if you have any questions or problems or want to talk to me, it's Friday at 6 p.m. in office 7B.

We begin next week, on March the 13th. That's Monday, March the 13th. The course ends on May the 20th. May the 20th is the last day.

I think that's all ... Oh, one more thing. For this course you need the book. Here it is: British Life and Language Level 1 Student's Book. So, please get a copy of the book. I don't want to see any photocopies of the book, thank you! Remember, it's level 1 student's book. Don't buy the teacher's book.

I think that's all, everyone. I look forward to working with you. See you next Monday!

Task 1

Task 2


Worksheet73.33 KB

Language level

Average: 4.2 (187 votes)

Submitted by Khin Khin Htet on Sun, 08/11/2020 - 08:25

I had an English Class at previous last one year in Tamwe Township . This class taught once a week on Sunday , two hours in a days . I don't remember the class time exactly . Now, I am studying online English Lessons from Websites . I can't go anywhere because of Covid-19 . Also the English classes don't open . It opens only online classes . So , I spent my time for online learning.

Submitted by Samqaid on Sat, 17/10/2020 - 21:42

Yes of course, I have an English course online through British learning. I really love English so much . It is very interesting. My life is very bad without English .absolutely Im planning to study a high study in UK so that's my dream. .you can't imagine how is an English for me.. I always thought of it .

Submitted by Ugulhan on Thu, 15/10/2020 - 07:30

I have got different English classes in the home country, then later when I came to Europa also I took part in B1 and B2 levels of English. At the moment, I do independently exercises in English, I lead my lessons on different platforms. I hope it is useful and I see also that my English skills have been gradually increasing through a wide range of lessons.

Submitted by DEICY on Mon, 12/10/2020 - 19:31

Yes, I have English Class. I was studying in a Australian's colleges, but for the covid-19 this one closed and I came back my country, right now I'm studying on-line every morning, and improve with British council Skills, it is actually the best option.

Submitted by Moon Wathan on Sat, 10/10/2020 - 16:43

Yeah, I have English class. This is It is online learning but I can get many knowledge to improve my english skill from this website. Thank you very much everyone in this website.

Submitted by fais_4al on Wed, 07/10/2020 - 12:15

Definitely , i do have English class and I try my best to improve my skills through this wonderful site its really helpful you could study and test your self multiple times .and today is my first day Thank you British Council for this self improvement site .

Submitted by Maria19 on Tue, 06/10/2020 - 21:20

Yes, my last class in English was when I was a student. That was a few years ago.

Submitted by Kishen on Mon, 28/09/2020 - 08:41

Yes,I have English class on British Council by self-studying on online.That class is very useful for everyone who cannot effort money and time.The time is also depend on ourself so we can study everytime when we want.Thank you British Council.

Submitted by Pola on Fri, 25/09/2020 - 16:34

Yes, I do I have an English class but free course is self paced by British council, it's really great course I advise for everyone have been searching for English courses that's will be great for you, and I'm doing this course in month ago.

Submitted by aangie pardave on Tue, 15/09/2020 - 01:34

Good evening, I only take English classes at the university and this course is very interesting, I would like to take more complete classes to be able to speak English well, little by little I will learn.