An email cover letter

An email cover letter

Learn how to write a cover letter or email to respond to a job advert.

Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.


Reading text

From: Laura Mazzanti
To: David Kelly, HR Manager
Subject: Application for sales manager position

Dear Mr Kelly,

I am writing in response to the job advertisement on the ABC Jobs website for the position of sales manager.

I have five years of experience in sales. For the last three years, I have worked as a team leader, managing a team of 20 sales assistants in a large store. I have experience in hiring, training and managing staff. I have good communication skills and I can speak Italian, Spanish and English.

I have attached my CV with more information about my background and qualifications.  

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

Laura Mazzanti


  1. Be specific in the subject line and say what job you are applying for.
  2. Start your email with Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms + person's surname.
  3. Say where you saw the advertisement.
  4. Say which job you're applying for. You can use the sentence I'm writing in response to the job advertisement for the position of … .
  5. Write a short paragraph to say why you're suitable for the job. Mention your education, qualifications, work experience or skills.
  6. Attach a CV (also known as a résumé in the USA) with more information about your qualifications and background.
  7. End by saying I look forward to hearing from you soon or I hope to hear from you soon.
  8. Sign off with Best regards or Best wishes.

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3


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Language level


Average: 3.6 (16 votes)

Submitted by Minh on Mon, 21/12/2020 - 18:15

I'm writing a letter let you know that I can't attend class for the next week. Because I had an accident and I hurt my back. Now I have to use medicine for two weeks, and I 've attached a copy from doctor's certification.

Submitted by Anhvu on Tue, 01/12/2020 - 15:53

If i write a résumé to apply a work. I will introduce all about myself. The first, my quatification is journalism. I have two years of experience in news. I want to candidate position of a social reporter. The second, for five years, i want to go to abroad to be a resident reporter. Best regards. AnhVu

Submitted by Raul_dmg on Tue, 17/11/2020 - 23:45

In my opinion, you have to introduce your self properly and explain which position you are applying for and where you saw the advertisement. Then, in order to get the recruiters´s attention, you should let Them Know why are you interested in the position and their company plus talk about your personal and professional skills by giving some examples about your achievements, otherwise they could think your are not being honest at all and reject you as a candidate. To Finish, I think would be a good idea if you thank the recruiters for reading and taking time to value your application.

Submitted by khalidait on Sat, 14/11/2020 - 13:43

Hi.MS lhadawiya i am writing in response to your job advertisement

Submitted by Moon Wathan on Tue, 13/10/2020 - 14:32

In a resume, especially include name, father name, NRC number, date of birth, address, phone number, email address, education background and work experience.
Profile picture for user danisep

Submitted by danisep on Thu, 17/09/2020 - 23:07

To me the most important is the experiences. If you already have work for many years you have builded great skills and know how to treat with its colleges, your behavior and the ability to connect with others is very important too.

Submitted by Matt18 on Tue, 15/09/2020 - 12:03

I have sent a couple of job applications since I came in the UK. I sent emails to some charities and hospitals for applying a job as a volunteer. I have attached my CV with all of my experience and qualifications. I have mentioned to my abilities and skills, therefore I pointed out of sense of humor, hard working, communication skill, ability to work under pressure and organising my own workload.

Submitted by shironeiko on Tue, 25/08/2020 - 01:26

Some ideas are jump out of my mind such as: personal information characteristic bachelor's degree my experience about group-working, part time jobs, volunteer,.. regard to the subject
Profile picture for user shelly

Submitted by shelly on Fri, 21/08/2020 - 08:17

I am writing a resume for a new job application. The information in the CV includes: person information, such as name, address, email box education backgrand, certifation and qualitification working experience and skills my disposition and personality Among these factors, I personally think skills and personality is relatively important for an job application. When you have the ability that the position you are applying, you would have a big chance to get the oppotunity.

Submitted by Venus on Fri, 21/08/2020 - 07:47

In a CV, it is important to mention that why this position is suitable for you. Moreover, you need to include impressive education, skills as well as leadership skills and work experience.