Unit 5: Making arrangements

Unit 5: Making arrangements

Need to organise something? In this unit you can practise common phrases used to make plans by email.

Making arrangements

Think about these points when the purpose of your email is to make an arrangement.

Useful questions

Here are some typical questions used for making arrangements:

  • Are you free next Tuesday afternoon?
  • What time would you like to meet?
  • When would be convenient for you?
  • Could you please let me know?

Expressions of time

Use on with days: Could we meet on Monday?

Use in with months, years and other expressions: I'm going to visit my grandparents in October.

Use at with times and other expressions: Could you please call me at 3pm?

Use next to refer to future times: I hope we can meet again next week.

Use when to start a future time clause: Let's meet again when it is convenient.


To speak about a timetable, use the present simple: Next term runs from 1 September until 16 December.

To speak about a future arrangement, use the present continuous: Mr Toshiko is coming to our next meeting.

To speak about a plan, use 'be going to': Next term we are going to learn about pollution.

See the talking about the future page for more practice.

Tenses in complex sentences about the future

Use the present simple after when, if and next time in future time clauses:

  • I will call you when I get to the station.
  • I'm going to work with my dad when I finish school.
  • Let's go for a walk if the weather is good.
  • Will you visit the Eiffel Tower next time you are in Paris?

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Task 5

Task 6

Average: 4.7 (16 votes)

Submitted by margarita.draganchuk on Mon, 07/12/2020 - 17:48

Feels like the tasks are more and more difficult

Submitted by Pavel_Kharchenko on Thu, 03/12/2020 - 11:57

Tacks is easy, done quickly

Submitted by vika_belan on Fri, 27/11/2020 - 13:13

The tasks were so easy that it was even boring to complete some of them

Submitted by Nikita Maslov on Fri, 27/11/2020 - 13:12

Very bad interface, similar tasks

Submitted by Dilnoza Sulaymonova on Fri, 12/06/2020 - 13:18

Thanks for information

Submitted by omanov on Mon, 01/06/2020 - 09:02

I think it is not bad, very well
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Submitted by OlaIELTS on Fri, 29/05/2020 - 23:30

It's really helpful.

Submitted by Heyle20 on Thu, 14/05/2020 - 23:55

The lesson and the exercise is very helpful.