Who's who in the office

Who's who in the office

Listen to two people talking about the people in their office to practise and improve your listening skills.

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.



Jani: Welcome to the department, Yuki. Let me show you around and tell you about your new colleagues. I'll introduce you to them all later.

Yuki: Great. Thanks. So, who are those people over there?

Jani: That's the order management team. Luciana deals with the new orders. She's the one with short, dark hair.

Yuki: In the purple dress?

Jani: Yeah, that's right. You'll probably work closely with her while you are learning about our ordering process.

Yuki: Got it, thanks. And who's that over there? The guy who's on the phone?

Jani: Oh, you mean the one by the window? In the green shirt? Ah, that's Ian. He's the marketing director. And that's Maria beside him. She's responsible for the internal IT systems.

Yuki: OK, I'll try to remember all of this. I should probably be taking notes!

Jani: Don't worry about it. For now it's just good to put some faces to names.

Yuki: OK, great – and who do I talk to about setting up my mobile phone with email access? Is that also Maria?

Jani: No, you need to talk to Sebastian who works in communications. He can help you. That's him over there, next to the printer.  

Yuki: Thanks. I'll introduce myself to him later.  


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Submitted by Minh on Thu, 07/01/2021 - 23:31

Well, I have a number of colleagues in my company, so I just describe some of them. Firstly, Jack is a friendly and kind person who is a manager office Secondly, John is generous man who is a assist director. Third, Tom is youngest person who is a sale marketing. Fourth, James is a beautiful girl who is a clerk.

Submitted by Suraj paliwal on Tue, 05/01/2021 - 06:49

In this time I am a student.So l introduce you my few best friends. One of which is drop out student. He was politician. He is my good friend. Another friend who's always with me.

Submitted by fariba on Wed, 25/11/2020 - 10:26

i have several colleague. some of them work hard and some don't work efficiently.
Profile picture for user DJ Singh

Submitted by DJ Singh on Wed, 25/11/2020 - 07:21

I was part of the visual effects studio till recently. That is my past now however I can describe my two colleagues to answer the question. I had so many people working with me but good friend of mine was Rohit and Praveen. Praveen was a long in heighted person with curry hair from south India. He is good guy to work with, and 2nd one was Rohit short in height and talkative and annoying sometimes but kind person.
Profile picture for user shelly

Submitted by shelly on Tue, 10/11/2020 - 06:14

I have 5 colleagues in my office, all of them are studious. Only one colleague is 5 years older than me and is responsible for goods transportation. The rest of us are responsible for document translation while the only two male colleagues take a business trip sometimes.

Submitted by Moon Wathan on Fri, 23/10/2020 - 17:32

My colleague is a beautiful young girl. She has black long hair and beautiful face. She is tall and fair complexion. She always smile and kindness. She takes care of her pupils and try work hard. She is friendly and helpful to others. She is a teacher like me. Now we two are in primary two N. So, We have good friendship in job as a colleague.

Submitted by Ugulhan on Sun, 18/10/2020 - 09:59

I can do that with my old colleague, because of covid 19 I haven't been working right now. Robert who is responsible for the IT department has long brown hair, and he gets dressed every day in a black shirt. He will sit in front of me over the next desk.

Submitted by habibao.medo on Wed, 07/10/2020 - 14:48

MY best friend called radwa she is short with long black hair she is kind we both like acting like idiots around each other