A phone call from a customer

A phone call from a customer

Listen to the phone call from a customer to practise and improve your listening skills.

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.



Junko: Hello, Junko Mori speaking. How can I help you?

Andrea: Hi, Junko, it's Andrea here from Red Band. I'm calling about our latest order.

Junko: Everything arrived OK, right? We got the delivery confirmation at our end.

Andrea: Yes, everything's fine with the order. I'm calling about the invoice and the payment terms. I need a favour.

Junko: A favour? What do you need?

Andrea: This is a little, er ... difficult, but I need an extension on the payment terms. I know they're usually 30 days, but we're having some cash flow problems. You'd really be helping us out if you could extend it to 60 days.

Junko: I'm not sure if I can do that, Andrea. We've got regulations at our end, and also have to manage our own cash flow.

Andrea: I promise this won't become the norm, Junko. Actually, I also want to place another new order. The same size order as last time. It's for an important customer and they pay on delivery.

Junko: I see. So your cash flow problem will be solved after this new order is delivered.

Andrea: Exactly.

Junko: That sounds good. Hold on, Andrea. Let me see what I can do. Yes, I think we can make an exception this time.

Andrea: That's great, Junko. I appreciate your help.

Junko: And we appreciate your business, Andrea. It works both ways.

Andrea: Thanks again, Junko. Can you send me a quick email confirmation of the payment terms extension?

Junko: Sure, no problem. We're happy to help you.

Andrea: Great. And I'll email you the new order.

Junko: Thanks. I'll keep an eye out for it. Talk to you soon.

Andrea: You too. Goodbye.

Task 1

Task 2


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Submitted by Abrarhussain on Thu, 28/01/2021 - 23:15

I think in the business World every client is very important, no I have not made any exceptions for a client because I am not a businessman.

Submitted by Andres Ibarra on Wed, 27/01/2021 - 17:59

I think that we need to take decissions about support customer because we do every day exception in each business, every company has terms and rules but the less percent of our situations or decisions has as least one exception.

Submitted by Dmytro on Wed, 27/01/2021 - 09:56

Actually, I'm a customer, and sometimes I need to ask for a favor. I believe nowadays any business has problems sometimes. I find asking for a favor normal. In my humble opinion, everything depends on how competitive a business environment is. The more competition the more favors and exceptions. On the other side, the less competition the fewer favors, and as a result, higher prices, worse services.

Submitted by Bodo kh on Sun, 24/01/2021 - 22:24

I'll do favours for clients who need ,but rules are important in business

Submitted by Badolhima on Fri, 22/01/2021 - 22:13

For important clients sure I usually do.

Submitted by Htet Su Naing on Thu, 21/01/2021 - 06:21

I'll selling products from china on Facebook page. A customer asked the items that I didn't post on my page. At that time, I had to search for her. Another one asked me to deliver her order at the gate that she can go. If I can, I did but sometimes it's not okay. Next one asked to extend delivery date for 5 days as he's on a trip. So I delivered his order on the day he requested.

Submitted by ceryan41 on Tue, 19/01/2021 - 09:18

During that conversation that idom is very interesting :" I'll keep an eye out for it"; you observe them carefully to make sure that they are progressing as you want

Submitted by cittàutopica on Fri, 15/01/2021 - 12:33

I think the question particularly concerns the relationships among the private companies. In the public sphere there's a different situation, because, in this domain, other rules are effective and these doesn't allow a discretionary power just as we see in the video.

Submitted by Lahpai Bawk Aung on Wed, 13/01/2021 - 08:20

Sure, i will give a favor for our important customer, at least once time

Submitted by nancyvirginiare on Tue, 12/01/2021 - 19:32

Yes, if is an important customer i can make exceptions but for sure i will make follow up until he can solve his problems and come back to normal conditions business.