Look at these examples to see how questions are made.
Is he a teacher?
Does she eat meat?
When did you get here?
How much does a train ticket cost?
Try this exercise to test your grammar.
- Grammar test 1
Read the explanation to learn more.
Grammar explanation
To make questions, we often put the verb before the subject. This is called inversion.
Affirmative | Question |
I am late. | Am I late? |
I can help. | Can I help? |
She is sleeping. | Is she sleeping? |
We have met before. | Have we met before? |
If there is a question word (why, what, where, how, etc.), it goes before the verb.
Question | Question with question word |
Are you late? | Why are you late? |
Was she there? | When was she there? |
Can I help? | How can I help? |
Have we met before? | Where have we met before? |
This is true for sentences with be, sentences that have auxiliary verbs (e.g. They are waiting. She has finished.) and sentences with modal verbs (can, will, should, might, etc.).
Questions in the present simple and past simple
For other verbs in the present simple, we use the auxiliary verb do/does in the question.
Affirmative | Question | Question with question word |
You work at home. | Do you work at home? | Where do you work? |
It costs £10. | Does it cost £10? | How much does it cost? |
We use the auxiliary verb did in the past simple.
Affirmative | Question | Question with question word |
She went home. | Did she go home? | Where did she go? |
They went to the cinema. | Did they go to the cinema? | Where did they go? |
Subject questions
In some questions, who or what is the subject of the verb. There is no inversion of subject and verb in these questions.
Who broke the window?
Who is knocking on the door?
Do this exercise to test your grammar again.
- Grammar test 2
Hello Paula,
As is explained in detail above, the auxiliary verb 'do' (which also has the forms 'does' and 'did') is used to form questions in the present simple and past simple tenses.
In all the other tenses, an auxiliary verb is already present in normal verb forms -- for example, in the present continuous, the verb 'be' is already used ('You are reading'), so we also use it in questions ('Are you reading?').
The only exception to this is the verb 'be' when it is used alone. No auxiliary verb is used in questions here ('Are you the teacher?').
I hope this helps you.
I also wanted to recommend that you have a look at LearnEnglish Kids and LearnEnglish Teens, where you might find some materials you could use with your students.
Good luck!
All the best,
The LearnEnglish Team
Hello hasan.kumek,
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it.
The section at the bottom ('subject questions') describes questions where there is no inversion and the question word simply replaces the subject. The other sections describe questions using inversion, which are what are sometimes called .object questions'. I don't think 'object questions' is a good name as questions with inversion could be about other aspects of the sentence such as prepositional, adjectival or adverbial phrases.
You can read more about questions of various types on this page:
The LearnEnglish Team
Hi Jaison,
The third sentence is correct :)
The first and second sentences need a different auxiliary verb.
Yes, we can use the present simple to speak about a future action. Have a look at this present simple page for more examples and explanation.
Best wishes,
The LearnEnglish Team
Hi FirasAkkad,
Actually, subject questions are common in spoken and written language too :)
The first one should be: Who broke the window? Subject questions use the same verb form as affirmative sentences.
Best wishes,
The LearnEnglish Team
Hi FirasAkkad,
Sure :) You use subject questions if the thing you want to know (i.e. the answer to your question) is who or what did something. Here are some examples.
Who broke the window?
Who wrote this book?
You use object questions if you know who did something, but you want to know what he or she did. For example:
What did Sam do?
Which book did your father write?
Who did you talk to?
Does that make sense?
The LearnEnglish Team