Look at these examples to see how third and mixed conditionals are used.
We would have walked to the top of the mountain if the weather hadn't been so bad.
If we'd moved to Scotland when I was a child, I would have a Scottish accent now.
If she was really my friend, she wouldn't have lied to me.
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Do you know how to use third and mixed conditionals?
Third conditionals and mixed conditionals
Conditionals describe the result of a certain condition. The if clause tells you the condition (If I hadn't been ill) and the main clause tells you the result (I would have gone to the party). The order of the clauses does not change the meaning.
If I hadn't been ill, I would have gone to the party.
I would have gone to the party if I hadn't been ill.
Conditional sentences are often divided into different types.
Third conditional
The third conditional is used to imagine a different past. We imagine a change in a past situation and the different result of that change.
If I had understood the instructions properly, I would have passed the exam.
We wouldn't have got lost if my phone hadn't run out of battery.
In third conditional sentences, the structure is usually: If + past perfect >> would have + past participle.
Mixed conditionals
We can use mixed conditionals when we imagine a past change with a result in the present or a present change with a result in the past.
1. Past/Present
Here's a sentence imagining how a change in a past situation would have a result in the present.
If I hadn't got the job in Tokyo, I wouldn't be with my current partner.
So the structure is: If + past perfect >> would + infinitive.
2. Present/Past
Here's a sentence imagining how a different situation in the present would mean that the past was different as well.
It's really important. If it wasn't, I wouldn't have called you on your holiday.
And the structure is: If + past simple >> would have + past participle.
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- Grammar test 2
Hello Graziadb1966,
It's perfectly fine to use certain modal verbs in the if-clause of conditional sentences. In your example 'could change' has the meaning 'were able to change' and so it expresses a different meaning to just 'changed'.
Here are a few other examples of modal verbs used in if-clauses:
The LearnEnglish Team
Hello Iman ELBorolos,
The difference is not really about something continuing or not - I think this is a confusing way to try to describe it. Rather, it's about whether the result is in the past or the present. For example:
The LearnEnglish Team
Hello gsg238
Who tells whom and when is irrelevant here as 'he' in your sentences is speculating about the situation.
The first example (found out - would fire) is about the future. He is concerned about a possible, if unlikely, act by his employer in the future.
The second example (had found out - would have fired) is about the past. In this example, he is sure that they do not know as he has not been fired. This sentence means in effect the following: they did not find out because otherwise I would not have a job now.
The LearnEnglish Team
Hi Ahmed Imam,
Yes :) Both sentences are correct. Their meanings are very similar.
Both sentences mean that this person typically or normally does this. One meaning of will/won't is typical or normal behaviour (see this page for more examples).
But the second sentence has another possible meaning: it could refer to the future. It could be about tomorrow, for example.
Best wishes,
The LearnEnglish Team
Hello BobMux,
The form if + present (then) + present is used for general statements rather than particular situations. In your example, you are talking about a particular situation, so if + present (then) + will is the correct choice.
The LearnEnglish Team