Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises.
A – Rufus Loredo
Westwend is a changing town. People come to Westwend to build a better and more prosperous future for themselves and their family.
As your representative I pledge to:
- fight to improve public schooling for our children
- work to ensure that Westwend is connected more effectively: both its transport and digital connections
- listen to each and every citizen's problems and help them overcome them.
Westwend needs someone who represents all of our communities and not only the wealthy, who puts people before politics and who keeps their promises.
Let me be that person.
B – Lona Williams
My goal is to restore full services at our local hospital and create free parking for visitors. I pledge to provide better care for the elderly and the most vulnerable in our town.
I will create jobs in Westwend by reducing taxes and red tape. Together we will help families overcome the high cost of living by tackling job insecurity and extending free childcare for working parents.
I will fight for our services and to keep our streets safe.
I will support our rural communities and local businesses.
My priority is people. My priority is you.
C – Jamar Repaci
My first goal is to press for a minimum wage of £10 by next year, and ban zero-hours contracts, which contribute greatly to job insecurity. I will join the fight to scrap highly prohibitive university tuition fees. A good education and a good job should be available to all the citizens of Westwend.
Our planet is in a moment of crisis, and Westwend can play its part. I am committed to investment in renewable energy and will provide tax credits to small businesses that engage in green practices. I will also fight to protect the wildlands around Westwend.
I will fight for fairness in government. I will work to protect our planet.
D – Cliff Slater
I pledge to be a full-time, unsponsored representative for the communities of Westwend. I will give you straight answers to your questions, without using jargon or meaningless statistics. I will maintain a full-time office and hold regular open-door sessions with the people of Westwend.
I promise to promote Westwend as a beacon for business and tourism. I will seek to reduce the unnecessary restrictions government places on people and companies. I will campaign for a more simple and transparent tax system for all.
The time of empty promises is over. Let's bring change to our town. Change for the better.
I would like to commit two things more education and health. In my country ( India) as everyone knows that there is no hope for growth and development . Education and health quality is very low level in India. I want to do improve these things greatly. In India one thing I see that law and order is very weak and challenging situations. Corruption is very dangerous in my country.
Hi Jorgelina,
Actually here, each and every describes citizen (not problems). It might be clearer to see if we rephrase it like this: listen to the problems of each and every citizen.
Does that make sense?
Best wishes,
The LearnEnglish Team