Emails about studying in the UK

Emails about studying in the UK

Learn how to write an email to find out about language courses in the UK.

Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.


Reading text

From: Simona Reggia
To: City Language School
Subject: Courses in August

Dear Sir or Madam,

I have seen your website and I would like to know more about your English courses.

I am interested in taking a two-week course in August. Are there any places available, and what are the start dates?

Also, do you have any accommodation for those dates?

Thank you for your help.



From: Susan Colworth, City Language School
To: Simona Reggia
Subject: Re: Courses in August
Attachment: accommodation_info.pdf

Dear Simona,

Thank you for your interest in our courses.


  • Yes, we have places on all our August courses.
  • Start dates are 7, 14 and 21 August (Mondays).


  • Yes, we have rooms for students near the school. I am attaching some more information, photos and the prices.

Which course would you like, and which start date? If you would like accommodation, please let me know soon, as it is very popular.

Feel free to email me with any other questions.


Susan Colworth
Course Administrator
City Language School


1. If you don’t know the name of the person you’re writing to, write Dear Sir or Madam.

2. If the person who wrote to you gave you their first name, you can use it. Hi is less formal than Dear.

3. To reply to someone’s email, start with Thank you for your email / your interest / the information.

4. Say I am attaching … or Please find attached … to tell someone what you have attached to the email.

5. Finish with Regards, and your name.

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3


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Language level

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Submitted by victor.07 on Thu, 08/04/2021 - 23:23

Yes, it is my dream

Submitted by Dibesciak on Tue, 06/04/2021 - 22:30

Yes, I am applying for the course at University in the UK , I need to pass English exam , that's why I am learning on this site :)

Submitted by Giuliana on Mon, 05/04/2021 - 02:45

Yes OBVIOUSLY well, who not? I really would like to study in UK but not only for improve my english also for meet to new people and know new places and other things. This is one of my dreams and I hope one day to comply it :)

Submitted by Camila Abreu on Wed, 31/03/2021 - 21:01

Of course yes. But I would need to think of on alternative to study English with my daughter, who is only 05 years old.

Submitted by MikhailZatopliaev on Mon, 22/03/2021 - 23:24

O Yes. I would like to study in the UK. I have never been to Europe, though very want all time.

Submitted by TIa vinaka on Sat, 13/03/2021 - 02:59

Yes I'd like to when this thing gets back to normal, I will go abroad to study or work. maybe it will be not in the UK, because it costs too much for me and I guess difficult to find a job with my poor English.. but one day!!

Submitted by Bau on Thu, 04/02/2021 - 19:33

Yes, I would like to study in UK. I am living in Liverpool. I have had a ESOL testing with E3 but there is no class for me at the moment. I hope I could take an ESOL English class next time.