A design presentation

A design presentation

Listen to the presentation about a new product design to practise and improve your listening skills.

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.



Hi, everyone. Thanks for coming to this short presentation on our new product design. As you know, we've already redeveloped our 'Adventure' shampoo to make it more modern and appealing. And we've renamed it 'Adventure Tech'. Our market research established the target market as men in the 18–40 age range who like to be outdoors and also like technical gadgets, such as smartwatches, drones and things like that. We needed to create a bottle which appeals to that market.

So, today, I'm happy to unveil our new bottle design. As you can see, it's designed to look like a black metal drinking flask, with some digital features printed on it.

I'd like to talk you through the following three points: the key features, sizing and our timeline for production.

Firstly, you'll notice it has an ergonomic design. That means it fits smoothly into your hand and can be easily opened and squeezed using one hand. And, it looks like a flask you might use when hiking outdoors. The imitation digital displays are designed to remind the user of other tech devices they may have, such as a smartwatch or smart displays in their home.

I'd now like to tell you about the sizes. It comes in two sizes: the regular size and a small travel size. The travel size is the same type of design – a flask, also with imitation digital displays on the bottle. We were thinking of starting with one and following with the travel-size in a few months, but we've worked hard and both are ready now.

Finally, I'm going to talk to you about our timeline for production. You've probably heard that we're launching in two months. In preparation for that, we're starting the marketing campaign next month. You can see the complete overview of all phases in this Gantt chart.

In summary, the bottle's been designed for men who like adventure and technology, and it comes in two sizes. The marketing campaign is starting next month and we're launching the product in two months.

OK. So, any questions? Feel free to also email me for further information in case we run out of time.


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Hello ece_00,

These are not quite used in the same way.

In a few months is used only in reference to the time of speaking. It often functions as a kind of promise or prediction. For example:

I took my exam today. In a few months I'll get my results.

I'll call you in a few months. [a few months in the future from now]

He said he would do it in a few months. [a few months in the future from when he spoke]


A few months later is used to describe one time in reference to another. It links one point in time (one action) to another. It is not used when the current moment is the point of reference. For example:

She took her exams and a few months later she got her results.

We met at Christmas and a few months later she called me.

She promised to do it but a few months later I learned that she had forgotten about it completely.



The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by GiulianaAndy on Fri, 09/07/2021 - 23:01

I last gave a presentation in April of this year which was for the New Trends in International Business Management course from my university. It was about how to export a product abroad. I had to explain how many incomes I was going to get because of that export process. I think it did go not so bad because I got a 16 as my grade which means that my homework was not bad but not so good either.

Submitted by jonancbr on Fri, 02/07/2021 - 17:00

The last time I had to give a presentation was the last semester, I had to make the final presentation of a developed project, the client wants to know the conclusions and deliverables reached during it, for about one hour the work team and I were talking and answering the customer questions, the presentation ended on time and everyone is happy with it.

Submitted by italfredo on Wed, 28/04/2021 - 01:45

I gave a presentation a few weeks ago. It wasn't a long one, I only had to give an introductory presentation of the last number of a magazine. And fortunately, everything went quite right. I only was a little upset because my internet conectivity was suffering a bit those days, but finally it worked... how could I say? Smoothly!

Submitted by Suraj paliwal on Tue, 20/04/2021 - 08:42

I had a presentation in university. I was given presentation about Absolute poverty in india. It was going good. I was prepared a lot.

Submitted by Frank Cuello on Sun, 04/04/2021 - 01:13

The last time I had to give a presentation was in the last semester of college, where we had to present our investigation projects focused about communication theories. Despite the hard work that I gave to my project, my lack of presentation skills made my exposition very weak.

Submitted by German on Tue, 30/03/2021 - 02:50

The last time that I had to give a presentation was the last week. I had to explain a topic about the work and training a group.

Submitted by cittàutopica on Fri, 19/02/2021 - 19:28

Several occasions happened to me of giving a presentation about some schedules or projects on the matter of education. Sometimes it was hard, but it turned out well in most cases.

Submitted by marlio96 on Tue, 02/02/2021 - 23:26

The last time I had a presentation was the last semester, I had to make an investigation about bio-oil and biogas, it was good homework, I enjoyed and belive the presentation was well, the teacher said it was noticeable that our team had done excellent research about the topic. An advice I can give some people is the better you prepare your presentation the better it will go.

Submitted by ANACASTIBLANCO on Thu, 28/01/2021 - 11:27

My last presentation was two weeks ago, it was about myselft in a interview, that was terrible for me!, I had to introduce myself in English, but i was so nervious that i forgot to talk in English. Now, I'm waiting the answer about the interview to know if I'll get the job... i hope so!