Everyday objects

Learn words for everyday objects by doing these exercises.

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Task 5


Language level

Average: 4.4 (33 votes)

Submitted by Tami_hero on Wed, 06/07/2022 - 12:06


Which of these things do you carry when you go out?

when i go out i carry my purse where i put some money on it to spend my needs. and my keys, i put my bag also to carry my work tools.

Submitted by yoon 2_tae. on Wed, 15/06/2022 - 04:45


I always carry an extra one pair of contact lenses and extra glasses.They are the most imortant things to me when I hang out.

Submitted by nadyanightingale on Fri, 11/03/2022 - 20:01


When I go out I always carry a wallet, a ticket when I suppose to take public transport. I take with me my keys and my mobile phone is always in my briefcase or rucksack.

Submitted by Bena - Mustafa on Sun, 17/10/2021 - 03:46


Previously, when I was worked i was carried bag with small purse , phone , glasses and key of the house also . Inside my bag i was Putting cream lotion for my dry skin to used after i wash to pray. I miss my collogues , but I am not back , I am searching new job .

Submitted by joselo on Tue, 17/08/2021 - 01:09

I work with a computer every day and I need to wear glasses to avoid my eyes getting tired. I use a wallet to carry my money and credit cards. Sometimes I lose my keys and have to look for them around my house to be able to go out. I can not imagine my daily life without my smartphone. It is just like another part of my body.
Profile picture for user Rafaela1

Submitted by Rafaela1 on Mon, 03/05/2021 - 13:14

I noticed I didn't have my card with me at the time of payment.... OMG.... I came back later. ;(

Submitted by amr mohamed on Sat, 01/05/2021 - 16:16

When i go out, I put a backpack on and sunglasses. Also, i carry my phone and never use wallets i don't know why?
Profile picture for user Rafaela1

Submitted by Rafaela1 on Sat, 01/05/2021 - 15:00

I carry my mobile phone...., wait a minute, .... I think it's a smartphone. Which is which?? Do you guys know the difference??
I think the difference is that you can do more things with a smartphone than with a phone. A smartphone is like a computer that allows you to call somebody else among many other things such as sending messages or browsing the internet.

Submitted by zezosameh on Sat, 01/05/2021 - 00:02

When I go out, I carry my wallet, purse, and my mobile phone. I'm a student so I don't need a briefcase.