I thΔ±nk Δ±t depends on. Sometimes it is better to phone your friends to explain the situation. Messages may misread by people.
To me l use both communicating with my friends and my family.
It depends on the circustance. In some countries, it's difficult to get access to Internet and the cost of using Internet is high. At this situation, it will be more suitable to phone friends. But if he or she is at work, it'd better send a message. I don't like sending message via SMS because in our country, the mobile service enterprises send a lot of messages about their sale promotion and I rarely read those messages. So I miss some of my friends' messages via SMS among these sale promotion messages.
Dear team, I would like to inquire about the paid subscription. I left an email a week ago but there was no reply. I'd like to know if I pay for the self-access courses without learning from teachers, are there any extra PDF materials that I can download and study on my own? Also, will it be possible to subscribe on a quarterly basis instead of monthly basis? Thanks a lot and looking forward to your reply.
I'm very sorry you haven't yet received a response. I'm afraid I won't be able to find out what's happened until Monday or Tuesday, but I will follow up and you should hear from someone very quickly. I'll also try to answer your questions below.
There are no teachers in the self-access courses. They are essentially lessons that are carefully sequenced for different levels about different topics. We are working to create a space for our subscribers to have opportunities to interact with teachers, but I'm afraid we haven't managed to do this at this point.
There are currently no PDF materials available to download for subscribers. As far as I know, the option of quarterly subscriptions is not available, but please look for a definitive answer about that in the email you should receive in the next few days.
Thank you Kirk for your reply. Please look into the email as I've been waiting for a week. I'm interested to learn more topics for the self-access course and would like to know more/get more clarification. Thanks
I thΔ±nk Δ±t depends on. Sometimes it is better to phone your friends to explain the situation. Messages may misread by people.
To me l use both communicating with my friends and my family.
I think send messages is the best. This is my mind
I usually call him. When matter is not urgent then I leave message to friends.
Hi Min Htet Kaung,
Yes, exactly :)
The LearnEnglish Team
Hello RuthYong,
I'm very sorry you haven't yet received a response. I'm afraid I won't be able to find out what's happened until Monday or Tuesday, but I will follow up and you should hear from someone very quickly. I'll also try to answer your questions below.
There are no teachers in the self-access courses. They are essentially lessons that are carefully sequenced for different levels about different topics. We are working to create a space for our subscribers to have opportunities to interact with teachers, but I'm afraid we haven't managed to do this at this point.
There are currently no PDF materials available to download for subscribers. As far as I know, the option of quarterly subscriptions is not available, but please look for a definitive answer about that in the email you should receive in the next few days.
Thanks very much for your patience and interest.
All the best,
The LearnEnglish Team