A noticeboard message

A noticeboard message

Learn how to write a noticeboard message.

Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.


Reading text

Looking for a housemate

Single ensuite room available in our lovely three-bedroom house in Didsbury. Five-minute walk from city centre. Move in from 1 June. Shared kitchen and living room with two female housemates, no parking, £600 a month excluding bills. No pets. Contact 07890 123456 for viewing.


1. Write the main title or idea bigger to catch people's attention.

2. Keep the message short, with only the most important information.

3. Don't put your address on it!

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3


Worksheet73.89 KB

Language level

Average: 4.7 (40 votes)

Submitted by MarlonCV on Thu, 28/10/2021 - 20:42


I do prefer living alone. I have only one experience renting a single room in a 2-bedroom house with 2 housemates, but there was only one there. He never left the toilet clean and was always dirty as f, and because of that I made up my mind next time I gotta get a flat or sth It would be a single one. But I'm always open, as long as the roomies be hygienic and worries about having clear the house without having telling them so (which is uncomfortable and weird).

Submitted by linhchinbk on Thu, 28/10/2021 - 04:13


I prefer to share a house. There are several reasons to support my opinion. First, I can save much money. For example, when I live with housemates, we can share electricity, water, gas bills and so on. Second, I dont feel lonely and can ask for their help when I have problems. I think this is so nice.

Submitted by ANOUAR on Wed, 27/10/2021 - 09:57


I'd rather prefer living alone in my nest than live with someone I don't like...

Submitted by LamVanPhuong on Sun, 10/10/2021 - 14:05


for me i prefer live alone because i can avoid conflicts with my roommates

Submitted by pabloxje on Wed, 15/09/2021 - 23:20

I prefer to live alone, because sharing is to hard, not always you find a good roomate and it will be exausting to find someone similar to us.

Submitted by hassan rakib on Thu, 09/09/2021 - 16:49

I love to leave alone all by myself in a studio apartment. It must be a single large space where I can do my art works without any interruption. It must be a well lit house with large windows. Kitchen and toilet should be arranged in open comcept.

Submitted by avenesra on Thu, 12/08/2021 - 10:52

I'd rather live with my bestie, it'll be wonderful. But to be honest I don't know it'll be fair or not. I'm very complicated person, I have my own living rules thus it'll be a problem to share a room with her.

Submitted by EdithF on Fri, 30/07/2021 - 03:52

I love living with my family; but I wish one day I could live alone, being totally self-sufficient. :)

Submitted by KATIELLE RAIAN… on Mon, 12/07/2021 - 12:22

As I have a family, husband and daughter I prefer to live alone. But when I was single, I loved sharing a house.