Changing a meeting time

Changing a meeting time

Listen to two colleagues arranging a meeting to practise and improve your listening skills.

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.



Lucy: Hi, Anna. Do you have a minute to talk about the meeting next Tuesday?

Anna: Sure. We said 11, didn't we?

Lucy: Yeah, we did. But I have a bit of a problem with the time. Would it be possible to move it?

Anna: Oh, I see. We could postpone it to the afternoon, to 1 p.m., for example. Or bring it forward to earlier in the morning. What would suit you?

Lucy: Could we make it 9 o'clock? That would really help me. I have another important meeting in the central office at 12.

Anna: No problem. It's important you're there.

Lucy: Thanks a lot, Anna.

Anna: Do you need help with any preparation? Did you get the agenda I sent out?

Lucy: Yes, I did. And no, that's all fine, thanks. My report is ready and I'm looking forward to presenting it.

Anna: Great.

Lucy: I can tell Sven about the time change. I'll see him later.

Anna: Don't worry about telling Sven. I'll send an email to everyone to confirm the time has changed and with an updated meeting invite.

Lucy: Great. Thanks, Anna.

Anna: OK. I'm happy that works for you. We really need you there and it's good we don't have to cancel it.

Lucy: See you then. Have a good weekend in the meantime.

Anna: You too.

Task 1

Task 2


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Submitted by luongbaongoc on Fri, 05/11/2021 - 08:28


I will have an interview to join a project. Firstly, I chose 10 a.m on Saturday. But then I realized that I have to join the online classroom on Saturday morning. So I directly contacted the core team to move the meeting. And I postpone the meeting to 5.30 pm on Saturday. I hope I can pass the interview well.

Submitted by KyawMinThu on Tue, 02/11/2021 - 15:51


I have to go to the annual meeting of “SweetyHome Industry Company Limited”.The location is near KanDawGyi Lake and is held in the evening.
I don’t have any arrangement for this meeting because I attended as a special guest.

Submitted by vuhoap on Tue, 26/10/2021 - 14:00


Now I am a programmer for Agile development project. In an Agile development project, we have to attend these meetings such as sprint planning meeting, daily standup meeting, sprint review meeting, sprint retrospective meeting and backlog refinement meeting. It's not me, scrum master will arrange them.

Submitted by Suraj paliwal on Wed, 06/10/2021 - 01:37


I'm study in this time. So we don't have do meeting. we meetings with friends about chils and go to club

I work in a company where we design some systems for the reception of the TV signal. Every monday at 10.00 am we have a meeting to verify how proceed our work.

Submitted by SaraMessa on Tue, 13/07/2021 - 18:29

I'm a teacher in a primary school. I have meetings with my colleagues every monday. Before pandemic situation we met at school and we talked about students and didattics. Now we have virtual meetings using google classroom.

Submitted by Veronikka on Tue, 18/05/2021 - 17:41

I work for a company and I always have virtual meetings with my coworkers for talking about the state of our projects with clients. For organise these meetings, I do this steps: 1. I identify the people who I need in the meeting. 2. I check their calendars in Outlook, for finding the best time for everyone, then I send the invitation for everyone and I explain the target and the items for dealing in the meeting.

Submitted by Brona on Fri, 14/05/2021 - 10:45

If I talk about work , I have to go to client and supplier meetings. I arrange them through phones or emails. As per my personnel stuff I would setup a meeting with my hairdresser, beauty salon , my child's school teacher etc.

Submitted by Samqaid on Tue, 11/05/2021 - 22:57

I always have a meeting on every tuesday by zoon application with work time. I prepare my report about what i have achieved over week. we discuss about many problems and challenges which faced the team on field level and looking at the anticipated solutions Firsty, Our field manger is one managing the meeting and he take all point actions and suggest the action that will be takens and procedures that will be followed. he gives 10 minutes to every employee to talk . Secondly, we discuss about the last week action points. I will accept the invitation when i get it . The meeting rarely ring it towards to the earlier date