Do the preparation task first.
Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.
John: Hi, this is John. Thanks for calling. I'm not here at the moment, so please leave a message and I'll call you back.
Marina: Hi, John, this is Marina Silva calling from Old Time Toys. Your colleague Alex gave me your phone number. She said you can help me.
I need some information on your new products. Could you please call me when you are back in the office? My phone number is 0-2-0-8, 6-5-5-7-6-2-1.
Also, can you please email me your new brochure and information about your prices? My email address is Marina, that's M-A-R-I-N-A, dot Silva, S-I-L-V-A, at O-L-D-T-I-M-E hyphen toys dot com.
Thanks a lot. I look forward to hearing from you.
I make phone calls and voice mail in English when I practice English with other people.
But usually, I make phone calls and voice mail in Bangla because I live in Bangladesh.
Thanks for reading my comment <3
No, I haven't had this experience until now but I'm a student who searching for Ph.D. opportunities and I think I must try to send more and more English voice messages to my friends. :)
I've never left a message for someone in English because my job doesn't require it. The most recent email I submitted to gg play's app store, requesting a refund for software I purchased unintentionally.
I have never used a voice mail to be honest. I always use phone calls
No I didn't but I think do it from now on
Yes, but I only use English when talking in English class because friends and my family don't often use English in normal conversation. I think I should find someone and practices English with them through voice messages to improve my skills
Do you ever make phone calls or leave voicemail messages in English?
No, I don't like to do that as in Portuguese or in English. I prefer to send text messages on Whatsapp or an email.
No, I don't. I prefer write a text message.
Yes I do
No, not in English , I would prefer to leave text message.