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Reading text
Looking for a housemate
Single ensuite room available in our lovely three-bedroom house in Didsbury. Five-minute walk from city centre. Move in from 1 June. Shared kitchen and living room with two female housemates, no parking, £600 a month excluding bills. No pets. Contact 07890 123456 for viewing.
1. Write the main title or idea bigger to catch people's attention.
2. Keep the message short, with only the most important information.
3. Don't put your address on it!
I prefer to live alone as I do now, since I grew up as the only girl in the house and there was a significant age difference between me and my brothers so I'm used to be self dependent and have my own space. So yes privacy, peacefulness and being able to have control over my own living space is very important and crucial to me. But on the other hand, if I found someone that is hygienic, respectful and we have some common interests and preferences, then I don't mind to share a house with him/her and try that out.
If I have a house, i will share room with my friends because my friends is funny and help me to learn new things
I prefer living alone.I think it will be a new experience for me because I have never shared a room in my life. I like to try 1 or 2 months first. It will be a real challenge for me. I can't stand the light while I am sleeping . If my roomate is a night person, I will have nightmare. Furthermore, being a introvert, living with a stranger will be my most difficult task. But I would like to try and overcome my fears.
I prefer to live alone but only 2 times a week :)
I prefer live alone ! It is not easy share a house. A young person may like it, but over time we like privacy.
I prefer to living alone because I love peaceful and I happy to can do anything freely without caring anypeople or person who live with.
both live alone and share room have two sides. the good side of sharing room include: you have roomate to share everething, you can help, study, play video game, excercise together. but you no have private space. sometimes you can have conflictions.
I never shared a house with others besides my family. I need my privacy and I like the things clean and organised. So if in the future it will be an option, I would like to share with someone who have the same preference as me.
I don't like to share my house or even room with any housemate because a lot of them don't respect your privacy many of them don't respect your time if you need to take a rest or sleep
I do prefer living alone. I have only one experience renting a single room in a 2-bedroom house with 2 housemates, but there was only one there. He never left the toilet clean and was always dirty as f, and because of that I made up my mind next time I gotta get a flat or sth It would be a single one. But I'm always open, as long as the roomies be hygienic and worries about having clear the house without having telling them so (which is uncomfortable and weird).